

Women policies by the Nazi

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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alot of the Nazis belived that women should be seen but not heard. such as they told them to not wear make up, look plan, not smoke and work all day at home while the husbands earnt all the money. the only thing they thought the women were usfull for was to have chldren and to make the children want to become apert of the Nazis. Hitler mainly wanted the children to be born with blonde hair and blue eyes. he was very controlling!

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This question can be answered with a question asked back; do you agree with everything your government does, including all of its policies? The answer is of course no. The NSDAP (Nazi Party) had many policies that even supporters had strongly disagreed with. An example can be found with the Wehrmacht (Armed Forces of Nazi Germany). Many German generals strongly opposed the actions of the NSDAP and even the SS, including policies of extermination. Although, it should be noted that while there were indeed disagreements, it was an era in history that proved that if you were defiant, you were persecuted or killed. simple answer : NO !

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