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The word is porous.

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Q: Word describing soil or rock through which water can pass?
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Word describing soil or rock through which water cannot pass?

Such soil or rock is 'impervious'.

What is the word describing the material through which a wave passes?

A wave can only pass through a medium

What definition is closest in meaning to the word penetrate in the sentence The deep sea divers kept warm by wearing suits that water could not penetrate?

"Penetrate" in this sentence means "pass through" as in "pass through a barrier", as the suit created a barrier through which no water could pass. It also has the meaning of "enter through an orifice", as there were no holes in the suit through which the water could enter.

Water and minerals pass through the roots?

Water and minerals are absorbed by plant roots through osmosis and active transport. The root hairs increase the surface area for absorption, while the endodermis regulates the passage of water and minerals into the vascular system of the plant.

What does aquaducts mean?

Aquaducts are channels or pipes through which water can pass. For pictures search for this word.

What allows water to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

Can you boil water if you pass electric current through it?

Yes, we can boil water if we pass enough current through it......

How does water pass through a bubble without bursting?

Water cannot pass through bubble without bursting .

What allows water molecules to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

The property of letting light pass through something?

The property you are describing is transparency. Transparency is the quality of allowing light to pass through a material without distortion, enabling objects or images to be seen clearly on the other side.

Does a wireless signal pass through water?

No, wireless signals do not pass easily through water as it absorbs and weakens the signal. The signal's strength and speed are greatly reduced when trying to pass through water compared to passing through air. Submerged objects can disrupt the signal even more.

Materials that allow electricity to pass through them also allow water to pass through them is this is right or wrong?

Wrong. Water will pass through paper but low voltage electrity will not. Electricity will pass through copper and other metals, but water will not. Water is a good conductor of electricity but so is steel and copper. However water will not pass through them unless they are in the form of tubing In the UK pipework (Gas and Water) in properties should be earthed to protect against electrocution.