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the song that dawn sings in Romeo and Juliet, so the word is dawn song!

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Q: Word meaning dawn song from Romeo and Juliet?
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Why does Juliet claim that the singing bird is a nightingale rather than lark?

the nightingale represents the dawn, meaning Romeo can stay.

What does auroras bed from romeo and Juliet mean?

In "Romeo and Juliet," Aurora symbolizes the dawn or new beginning. When Romeo refers to Aurora's bed, he is alluding to dawn breaking as he tries to leave Juliet's side before being discovered. This moment highlights the fleeting nature of their love and the looming tragedy to come.

What are the two types of birds in Romeo and Juliet?

The two types of birds mentioned in Romeo and Juliet are the lark and the nightingale. The lark symbolizes dawn and the coming of morning, while the nightingale represents the night and darkness.

In Romeo and Juliet is Diana the Roman goddess of the dawn?

The Roman goddess of the dawn was called Aurora. Diana was the goddess of hunt etc.

What at first does Juliet claim romeo hears the morning after the wedding night?

Juliet claims that Romeo hears the morning lark singing when she wants to convince him that it is not yet dawn and he does not need to leave.

What major events happened on monday in Romeo and Juliet?

Just about all of them happen on Monday. Just after midnight: Romeo and Juliet have a romantic scene in her backyard and she asks whether they can be married. Just after dawn: Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence to arrange the wedding. At 9 a.m.: Romeo tells the nurse where and when Juliet can meet him so they can marry. Early afternoon: Romeo and Juliet marry. Later afternoon: In a street brawl, Tybalt kills Mercutio and Romeo kills Tybalt. Romeo is banished from Verona. That night: Romeo sneaks into Juliet's bedroom so they can consummate their marriage.

What are the poems in breaking dawn?

The one that goes "Like fire and powder. Which as they kiss consume." is from William Shakespeare's infamous book Romeo and Juliet.

What is the signifcance of the source of the sound Romeo and Juliet hears?

I think you are asking in an oblique way about the bird songs Romeo and Juliet hear when they wake up in bed after their wedding night. They discuss whether it is a nightingale (who sings at night) or a lark (who sings in the morning). This is important because Romeo must be out of town before dawn.

Scene 4 takes place at what time in the morning?

Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet takes place at dawn. At the beginning of the scene, Romeo and Juliet debate over whether the birds song they hear is a nightingale or a lark.. This means the night was just turning to morning.

Is twilight based on Romeo and Juliet?

Stephenie Meyer said her books are based on some of the literary classics. Each novel in the Saga was based loosely on another book. Twilight was inspired by Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin New Moon was based on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Eclipse was based on Wuthering Heights by Emilie BronteBreaking Dawn was based on A Midsummer's Night Dream by William Shakespeare.