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Q: Word processing software is used to create what?
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What is used to create edit formate and print documents?

word processing software.

What is used to create and format and print documents?

word processing software.

What Software that is used primarily with text to create edit and format documents is known as?

Word processing software is used primarily with text to create, edit, and format documents.

Which software is primarily used to create text based document?

Word processing software, such as Notepad in Windows is used to create simple text documents without pictures and any other media content.

Which software is used to create a mailshot letter?

Any application that has a Mail-Merge facility. A word processing application like Microsoft Word would be able to do it. It depends on the scale and the quality of what you want to do too, as this may impact on what you choose to work with.

What software is used to edit text and make doccuments?

A word processor. Word Processing software

Is word processing software a type of software app?

Microsoft Word is not a system software, not by any means. It is a WordProcessing application bundled in Microsoft Office Suite. This application is used to create documents such as letters, reports, books and so on. Because this application helps users for word processing tasks, it is classified under Packaged Application Software.

When writing a letter on a computer what type of software would you use?

The software for writing letters is called a word processing program.The most commonly used word processing programs are:Microsoft WordWordPerfectTextMakerGoogle Docs

Which software package is generally used with distributed word processing?


Which software is primarily used to create text-based document?

what software allows users to create and manipulate documents containing mostly text and sometimes graphics

What is the most widely-used word-processing software?

Microsoft Word, probably the most widely used word-processing software, is part of the Microsoft Office suite, which includes Microsoft's PowerPoint presentation program and Excel spreadsheet program.

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