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knight, lamb, gnome, gnu, pneumonia, Lincoln, dumb, climb, gnash, know, fright, light, eight, delight....

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Q: Words that have a silent letter?
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Which words have the silent letter gn in it?

Some words with the silent letter "gn" include "gnat," "gnaw," "gnome," and "gnarl."

What is the silent letter in psalm?

The p is silent pronounced salm

What are the ten words with a silent letter?


Which letter is silent in the words:WeekWonFlower BlewDew?

In the words provided, the silent letters are as follows: In "Week," there are no silent letters. In "Won," the letter "W" is silent. In "Flower," there are no silent letters. In "Blew," there are no silent letters, and in "Dew," again, there are no silent letters.

Why h letter is silent in honesty?

The letter "h" is silent in the word "honesty" because it is a silent letter. In English, there are several words where the letter "h" is silent, and "honesty" is one of them. The silent "h" is a historical remnant from the word's origin in Old French.

What medical terms have a silent letter?

In words starting with pt-, the p is silent (as pterygium). In words starting with PS-, also the p is silent (psycho-<whatever> or pseudo-<whatever>). In phthisis the pH is silent. I seem to be stuck on the letter "p" right now, but I am sure there are words with other silent letters.

What words have the letter i as a silent letter?

deceive, believe, retrieve, juice

What is the silent letter in gnarled?

The silent letter in gnarled is the G, as it is pronounced "narled." Other words with this silent G spelling are gnat, gnaw, and gnu.

What words have a silent letter n?

Here is a list of words with a silent "n" in alphabetical order:AutumnColumnContemnDislimnHymnMulticolumnLimnSolemnNote: Words that are considered to be rude are not included in the list.

What are words with the second letter a silent t?


What letter is silent in the words calf and salmon?


What is silent d sounds?

Silent "d" sounds are when the letter "d" is not pronounced in certain words, such as "handkerchief" and "Wednesday." These words are exceptions to the typical pronunciation of the letter "d."