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Q: Would Britain have had an empire if Henry viii informed a royal navy?
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What would considered to be a loyalist?

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of Britain's empire

What countries did Germany own after the Battle of Britain?

The British empire remained intact after the Battle of Britain but only because Germany changed their tactics and attacked Russia instead. If Britain had lost the entire British empire would have fallen under German control.

Which would have been considered loyalists?

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of Britain's empire

Did you informed or have you informed which is the correct sentence?

the correct ways would be 'did you inform' or 'have you informed'.

Why did british retreat from empire after World War 2?

It was part of the agreement that Britain should give up it's empire for the USA giving aid/coming into the war. There was also a policy after WW1 that America had secret plans for a war against Britain and it is thought that if the empire was weaker then GB would not be a threat.

How would you use informed in a sentence?

'I informed you earlier of the details'

The countries which formed tripple Alliance?

The Triple Entente (also known as the Allies) was Great Britain, the France Republic, and Russian Empire. The Triple Alliance (also known as the Central Powers) was the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy. However, Italy stipulated that it would not engage Great Britain in war, and later, secretly agreed not to engage France, either.

According to Patrick Henry what should the colonists expect from great Britain if they o not join the fight for independence?

They would not gain freedom

Is this correct grammar- Has she already informed about this?

No this is grammatically incorrect. Some correct examples would be:Has she already been informed about this?Has she already informed him about this?Has she already informed them about this?

Why did Cyprus leave the british empire?

Cyprus left the British Empire because it wished to unify with Greece as one nation which Britain would not allow. This was known as Enosis which roughly translated means butterfly.

What countries were in the british empire in the 18th centuries?

The answer would have to be France, the Habsburg empires of Spain and Austria, and the Ottoman Empire. Britain was on the rise, but - just as in the case of Russia - would reach superpower status only at the end of the Napoleontic period.

Did King Edward invade Britain and wales?

Britain is an island on which England, Wales and Scotland are on. Edward I was King of England. He invaded both Wales and Scotland, so he invaded other parts of Britain, but it would be incorrect to say he invaded Britain, as he was from England and was England's King, succeeding his father, Henry III.