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Potentially this could be a characteristic of autism, depending on the situation. What you describe could be a meltdown. This occurs when an autistic person is overwhelmed with sensory input or a stressful situation, they experience an uncontrolable emotional outburst such as an angry or agressive outburst.

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Q: Would Fits and hitting people and or things be part of Autism?
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Is throwing things across the room a sign of autism?

No, throwing things is not part of autism - autism is a neurological difference, there is nothing about autism that would cause throwing things. Of course Autistic people may throw things for any number of reasons, it's just that autism isn't the cause of this.

What can you do to people who have autism?

It would not be ethical or legal to do anything TO people who have autism.

What does it mean to dream about someone with autism?

A person with autism has difficulty communicating. So a dream about someone with autism most likely would be about problems communicating. The subconscious mind could be telling the dreamer that he/she is not paying attention or is being too detached from the people and things all around.

How would a childcare worker best work with a child with autism?

Firstly, they would recognise to use identity-first language: it's Autistic children, not children with autism. They would also listen to Autistic people who have first-hand experience of Autism.

Do you capitalize disorders such as autism?

Yes, you capitalize autism when you are talking about Autistic people or Autistic communities - the same as you would with deaf verses Deaf person. Autism is an identity, capitalizing recognizes that.

Is there an autistic cult group trying to come up with a cure for autism and asperger's?

There isn't an Autistic cult group trying to come up with a cure for Autism (no need to say 'and Asperger's given as it is Autism, it's redundant), however there is Autism Speaks which may as well be a cult as they brainwash people into thinking Autism is bad and seek to 'cure' Autism. The only way to 'cure' Autism would be to eradicate Autistic people and prevent Autistic people being born.

Can you cure Autism ?

There is no cure for autism, and hopefully there never will be.Autism is a neurological difference, a variation in human beings just like race. The only way to 'cure' autism would be to eradicate Autistic people, like suggesting to eradicate African-American people this would be highly unethical and would be considered eugenics. Many people are trying to 'cure' autism via pre-natal screening and genetic modification, hopefully this doesn't happen.

How much money is funded to find a cure for autism?

It's impossible to say for sure how much money goes into funding for research into a 'cure' for Autism overall, but an example would be to look at Autism Speaks which is the largest organisation focusing on Autism in the US and is pro-eugenics* so supports finding a 'cure'. In 2012 Autism Speaks put $15,790,797 into research, most of which was focused on finding a 'cure'. * Autism is a neurological difference; it's how a persons brain works and who they are, as such Autism cannot be seperated from the person. Autism can no more be cured than you can cure being African-American, the only way to get rid of autism would be to get rid of all the Autistic people. In supporting a cure what people are saying is that Autistic people are worth less than Neurotypical people, or that Autistic people are broken Neurotypical people, and to support finding a 'cure' for autism is essentially supporting eugenics.

Why cant autism be cured?

Autism isn't a disease, it is a difference in how the brain works - to cure autism would mean changing a persons brain so that they think differently, experience the world differently, and they would essentially no longer be themselves.

What type of disability is autism?

Autism isn't a disability, it is a difference - autism is a spectrum, as such it effects different people in different ways and to different severities, so although some people may face disabilities as a result of autism many don't. As a disability it would be considered a neurological disability.

What is a good Christian name for a walk for autism team?

Walk for Autism supports Autism Speaks, which is widely considered to be a hate group due to the harm they cause to Autistic people. A good Christian would not support this organization.

Will there be a cure for autism in the future?

Unfortunately organisations such as Autism Speaks are working on a cure for Autism. It should be noted that Autism is a neurological difference, it doesn't need to be cured and it cannot be separated from the individual so the only way to 'Cure' Autism is to wipe out Autistic people. A 'cure' for Autism would basically be Eugenics, preventing Autistic people being born.