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Yes, the effect of "Man-Eater Bug" that destroys one Monster would work on a Scapegoat token; as well as any other Token. The card being used to symbolize the Token is considered to be destroyed by an effect and is removed from the field.

It is important to note that the Token is never sent to the Graveyard - it simply "disappears".

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Q: Would Man-Eater Bug's effect work on a Scapegoat token?
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How often can you use Dark Valkyria's effect in a Match in Yu-Gi-Oh?

You can use it once, for each time that Dark Valkyria is face-up on the field as an effect monster.So imagine you have Dark Valkyria on the field, and you use its effect, then later it gets returned to hand, or flipped face-down. When you resummon it, after you switch on its gemini effect, you can use the counter effect once more.It doesn't have to leave the field either, the same applies if it loses its effect. If a Normal Dark Valkyria is equipped with Supervise, you can activate the token effect. If Supervise is then removed, Dark Valkyria will revert back to being a Normal Monster (losing the token if it still has it) but if you then gemini summon it, you can activate the token effect once more.

Are tokens considered special summoned in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Any effect that places token monsters on the field, is special summoning them.

Where is Captain Moodys monster token?

The token is in aghast by the mast part 3

Are the effects of Magic Reflector and Card Guard still active if they are no longer on your field in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Magic Reflector is a Normal Spell Card and goes to the graveyard after the chain resolves, meaning it would not be much use if its protective effect ended right then.What Magic Reflector and Card Guard do is set up 'lingering effects' on the token they distribute, that are no longer dependent on the card that set it up. So Card Guard can leave the field, and the token will still work.

What is the value of a Marilyn Monroe palace station gaming token?

What is the value of a Marilyn Monroe palace station gaming token

Related questions

Can you tribute any token monster for any monster?

Generally, Tokens do not allow themselves to be Tributed for a Tribute Summon (i.e. Scapegoat Tokens). However, there may be some cards that allow such actions, such as Dandylion.Incidentally, Scapegoat Tokens only restrict their use for a Tribute Summon. This means that it can be Tributed for the effect of a card, such as Cannon Soldier or Panther Warrior, as they require Tributes as a cost, not to Summon.For more information on the fundamental playabilities of Token Monsters, click on the "Related Link" below.

Can a Token be flipped face-down in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No. You cannot target a Token monster with an effect that would flip it face down. However if one would be affected by a non-targeted effect that would try to do so, it will be switched into defense position but remain face-up.

Can you tribute a token for any monster?

As long as the card that summoned the token does not mention any restrictions, then yes, token monsters may freely be tributed for a summon. Some do have restrictions set on them, for example, Sheep Tokens from Scapegoat cannot be tributed for a tribute summon, but could be tributed as the cost for a Special Summon.

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What are normal monsters in Yugioh?

Normal Monsters are those with a yellow card border. They do not have any effects, so do not have 'Effect' in their type line, or any effect subtype like Union or Toon. Some may be Tuners though. Note though that simply lacking the 'Effect' type does not make a card a Normal Monster - it is the yellow border that does. Some Fusion and Ritual Monsters are not Effect monsters, but nonetheless are not Normal, they are simply Fusions/Rituals. Token Monsters also, by default, are Normal Monsters. Some tokens have an 'effect' such as the 'cannot be tributed for a tribute summon' on Scapegoat's Sheep Tokens, or the damage dealing effect of Ojama Trio. In these cases, the effect is actually a lingering effect of the effect that summoned them, and the token is still Normal in every way.

Can you use Super Polymerization to fuse tokens such as for a HERO fusion?

No, you cannot use Super Polymerization to fuse tokens as Fusion Material monsters, as tokens do not exist in the Deck or Extra Deck and cannot be sent from the field to the Graveyard. Super Polymerization requires Fusion Materials to be present in specific locations for Fusion Summon.

What happens if a token is targeted to become XYZ material such as by the effect of Number C101 Silent Honor DARK?

As per the Konami OCG Card Database; Q: "Can the effect of "Number C101: Silent Honor DARK" target a Token?" A: "You cannot target a Token with the "attach that monster to this card as a face-up Xyz Material." effect." So it is an invalid action to begin with.

Can you sacrifice double dude tokens in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, you can. If a token can't be tributed, the effect that places them will say so. For example, Scapegoat says the tokens it creates cannot be tributed for a Tribute Summon. Destiny Hero Double Dude places no restrictions on the tokens it summons, so you can tribute them for anything that you could tribute a regular monster for.

Do you have to control at least one token to activate the effect of Mecha Phantom Beast Concoruda in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, to activate its Trigger you must have at least one Token monster.

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i got an old camle cigarette token its old how much do you thank it would be worth ?

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How often can you use Dark Valkyria's effect in a Match in Yu-Gi-Oh?

You can use it once, for each time that Dark Valkyria is face-up on the field as an effect monster.So imagine you have Dark Valkyria on the field, and you use its effect, then later it gets returned to hand, or flipped face-down. When you resummon it, after you switch on its gemini effect, you can use the counter effect once more.It doesn't have to leave the field either, the same applies if it loses its effect. If a Normal Dark Valkyria is equipped with Supervise, you can activate the token effect. If Supervise is then removed, Dark Valkyria will revert back to being a Normal Monster (losing the token if it still has it) but if you then gemini summon it, you can activate the token effect once more.