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TED is structured through a multitude of guest speakers and is thus hard to define as conservative or liberal. The ideas and expressions of the speakers will be biased from the speaker's perspective. TED itself could potentially show bias based on the guests they invite, but there is no official leaning to the conservative or liberal side of the spectrum.

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Q: Would TED be considered conservative or liberal based on its organization?
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Why is there no one clear definition for a political conservative?

Because 'conservative' and liberal' have no fixed content in politics. Conservative politicians in for instance Scandinavia and The Netherlands would mostly be considered liberal, if not 'socialist' in the eyes of US politicians. And what with the whole political spectrum in the USA being much more to the right than that of many other Western countries, many US conservative politicians would find it hard if not impossible to find a local 'conservative' Party where they would feel at home - and US liberals would be considered to hold slightly right-wing conservative political views in those countries.

Was Associate Justice William Cushing liberal conservative or moderate in voting?

Associate Justice William Cushing was a member of the US Supreme Court from 1790 - 1810, a time when terms like liberal, conservative and moderate weren't part of the political lexicon. Cushing supported abolition of slavery, which would certainly be have been considered a "liberal" position at the time. On the other hand, as a member of the Federalist party, Cushing favored a strong central government over states' rights, which was considered a more conservative position compared to the Democratic-Republicans' preference to allow states more autonomy. He was a strong supporter of the Constitution, but not of the Revolutionary War. Cushing could probably best be characterized as a political conservative with liberal views on select social issues.

Is NY times liberal or conservative?

Liberal. The liberals would tell you that it is conservative, just to throw you off. But when you examine the stories, you see a decided bend toward the left. People on both sides of the political isle make stupid statements, but National Journal likes to poke fun only at what those on the right say. See this article, for example:

Are court decisions liberal or conservative?

Not exactly. Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor). Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.

Was the American Revolution considered a radical movement?

The whole "Conservative vs Liberal" concept can be interpreted whatever way you like, but in general, "conservative" has historically been assigned to people, political parties and actions that are in their very nature resistant political, social or moral change. On the other hand, the term "Liberal" has been used to describe people, political parties and actions that embrace change. More recently, Liberal vs Conservative has morphed to describe socialist/communist vs capitalist/free market ideologies. Generally, the conservatives will argue that a free market economy will provide more opportunity for growth and allows anyone to succeed or fail, based on their own ability and motivation. Generally Liberals will argue that the masses are unable to adequately provide for themselves and must have the aid of the government to provide for their medical, shelter and food. Of course, dedicated Liberals would want to force everyone into the same system. King George and all of England were trying to maintain the existing system when the Patriots of the New World decided that they wanted to change their political system. The fact that they wanted to bring about change means that by one definition, they were Liberal. On the other hand, the fact that they were trying to conquer the new world with the aid of the Crown was an example of moral or social change, which would have been considered more Liberal, and the CROWN would have been considered the Liberal political movement. Which side was more Liberal and which was more conservative? You get to make that determination depending on your side of the argument.

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i would think it to be liberal

Why is there no one clear definition for a political conservative?

Because 'conservative' and liberal' have no fixed content in politics. Conservative politicians in for instance Scandinavia and The Netherlands would mostly be considered liberal, if not 'socialist' in the eyes of US politicians. And what with the whole political spectrum in the USA being much more to the right than that of many other Western countries, many US conservative politicians would find it hard if not impossible to find a local 'conservative' Party where they would feel at home - and US liberals would be considered to hold slightly right-wing conservative political views in those countries.

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Was John F. Kennedy a liberal or conservative

Was George W. Bush Moderate or Conservative or Liberal?

Bush was clearly a moderat LIBERAL. He would probably be considered a traditional liberal, because of his disatrous ultra-liberal economic policies, and his Neo-con stance on foreign policy, which is traditionally farily liberal. However, he was fairly right on social issues and so he would probably be fairly described as a Moderate Liberal who chose the wrong party, similar to John McCain

What did cultural conservatives opposed in 1920?

In the 1920's WW1 had changed the society and the very rich had it very good. The idea we have of a "conservative " today isn't anything like what people would have thought of as conservative then. In fact, Reagan today would be considered a liberal compared to the conservative definition today. The Robber barons were in control .

Was Andrew Jackson liberal or conservative?

LIBERAL Actually, he would be considered Conservative in today's standard. The old Democratic Party used to be the more conservative of the Whig and early Republican Parties. Proof is in his beliefs, he supported laissez-faire capitalism, states' rights, and was an anti-federalist, and anti-national bank man (the national bank was designed to increase federal authority over the states). Every president before the 1900s was conservative.

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There are few who would argue the bias of the media is liberal. Overwhelmingly.

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The most liberal countries: Netherlands Canada Sweden Finland Norway Denmark New Zealand The Saudi Arabia would be the most conservative in world. The US the most conservative in the West

Was Associate Justice William Cushing liberal conservative or moderate in voting?

Associate Justice William Cushing was a member of the US Supreme Court from 1790 - 1810, a time when terms like liberal, conservative and moderate weren't part of the political lexicon. Cushing supported abolition of slavery, which would certainly be have been considered a "liberal" position at the time. On the other hand, as a member of the Federalist party, Cushing favored a strong central government over states' rights, which was considered a more conservative position compared to the Democratic-Republicans' preference to allow states more autonomy. He was a strong supporter of the Constitution, but not of the Revolutionary War. Cushing could probably best be characterized as a political conservative with liberal views on select social issues.