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No. They are two different families of fish. Even fish within the same genera can't always interbreed.

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Q: Would a cichlid mate with a gourami?
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Will a honey sunset gourami mate with a dwarf gourami?

im pretty sure they will if the conditions are right

Fish that starts with O?

Oranda (goldfish) Oscar (cichlid) Ocellated Synodontis (Catfish) Ornate Bichir (Polypteridae) Opaline Gourami (Anabantidae)

Is it possible for a gourami to mate with a platy and get pregnant?

no. fish can only mate with fish of the same species. Gouramis mate with gouramis and platys mate with platys.

What do Dwarf Gourami babies eat?

Feed them cichlid flakes at first. You can also buy frozen fresh fish food, just thaw in water and pour in.

Fish species beginning with k?

It really depends on what type of fish you want to know about, fresh water, marine, etc. I can provide you with some fresh water fish species that begin with K: Kissing Gourami, Kribensis, and Kuhli Loach, Kadango Cichlid, Keyhole Cichlid, Knife Liverbearer, Koi Carp

Can honey dwarf gourami live with dwarf gourami?

I would advise not to add a dwarf gourami with a honey dwarf gourami. The honey gourami is very shy and much smaller than the dwarf gourami, and the dwarf gourami is prone to being very agressive. Depending on your luck, you might get a gourami with a nicer temperment. I wouldn't suggest it though.

Can flame or Blue dwarf gourami live with blue gourami or gold gourami?

yes .they can even breed

What is a gourami?

A Gourami is a sort of fish that lives in fresh water.

When was Snakeskin gourami created?

Snakeskin gourami was created in 1910.

Can gourami and dwarf gourami live together?

Not really. There will be some bullying in the tank if the gourami is bigger than the dwarf gourami. Usually the dwarf will be left lone but there is usually fin nipping.

How do you pronounce Chichen?

Hey there, Its pronounced, Sick-lid And spelt cichlid Have a good one...Catch mate! :o)

Will a jewel cichlid live with a johanni cichlid?
