

Would a cougar take down a pack of grown gray wolves?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Would a cougar take down a pack of grown gray wolves?
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Could a wolf kill a mountain lion?

A mountain lion would completely own a wolf if it was alone. Most wolves travel in packs though and a pack of wolves would detour a mountain lion from attacking in the first place.

Do mountain lions eat wolves?

Actually if a Mountain Lion is fully grown it can hunt down a wolf and eat it!

Does a black wolf kill everything?

Not at all. Black wolves only kill certain animals that live in their territory. One black wolf cannot take down an adult moose or a cougar, but a pack of black wolves might.

Cougar vs wolf who would win?

I prefer wolves but this won't change the truth. Cougars have claws which is an advantage and wolves only deppend on their teeth. Both animals are the same size even though a cougar is a little heavier. The cougar would win.

Who would win a cougar or husky?

Cougar all the way!! Even 3 huskies on one cougar- still the cougar. The adult cougar far outweighs the individual adult husky, but three well-experienced large dogs may take the big cat down. Circumstances of the encounter will be determined by vigor- and the instinct to survive. The most likely outcome would be that the cougar escapes the canid attack, to avenge at a later time.

What are Predators of a cougar?

The biggest predator of a cougar is man. Man hunts cougar sometimes for sport and sometimes to protect himself or his livestock. Bears and wolves are capable of killing mountain lions, but they typically do not hunt them down as food. While technically not a predator, a mountain lion's prey can severely injure or kill it with a sharp horn, antlers or a lucky blow from sharp hoof, but this is extremely rare.

Who would win a fight a black bear or three wolves?

It depends on the size of the black bear and the strength of the three wolves. Three wolves are good at taking down creatures that are bigger than them, but a black bear sometimes can fight down a grizzly bear as well. If the black bear tried to claw the wolves with its paws and swipe them, the wolves would charge in all direction to rip the black bear apart with their powerful jaws. Most likely if the black bear fought three wolves, the three wolves would get the black bear at the end.

Why do wolves hunt for food?

How else would they eat? They have to hunt down their food in the wild

In minecraft how long do wolves attack for?

It depends on your health and how long it would take for you to get down.

Do lone wolves eat moose?

A lone wolf would not be able to pull down a fully grown moose, but they would eat one if it was a baby or if it was already dead.

Do coyotes help hold the elk population down?

Coyotes are a factor for sure, but wolves, hunters and mountain lions are more likely predators. A full-grown elk is huge.

Who would win in a fight between 5 wolves and a horse?

Wolves are stronger and smarter than dogs. It depends on the size and health of the horse, plus the strength and size of the wolves. A horse would crush, stomp, kick, or charge off as many wolves as they want. Like an ox or a cattlebeast, a horse would fight a group of attacking wolves, especially when they are cornered. Some wolves would come to disable the horse's powerful hooves, while others would come to bite the horse's soft belly. But the horse would easily knock some wolves down by stomping them to death with those hooves. The horse has a vertical throat and a high upper head that would make it very difficult for the wolves to go for the throat. 5 wolves could kill a larger prey or fight off a larger predator. If the wolves come to bite the horse's hamstrings, this would probably tire the horse down. Then, the wolves would have a chance to win this fight.