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'Pernant' is not a word, I would be more concerned about my intelligence than parrots if I were you :-))))

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Q: Would a female kill its mate if it was pernent?
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Do the female Black Widows kill there mate?

Yes, right after they mate.

The female praying mantis is famous for eating...?

the female praying mantis is famous for eating the male after mating that's life

Why do female ants kill their partner after they mate?

yes they do creepy right?

If you put females and male hamsters in the same cage do they fight or mate?

They will do both. Both. They will first mate, and then the female will kill the male.

Why did a female parakeet kill her mate?

she probability don't want to have baby's if she has had them before because it can be painful and she would remember that, and not want to go through it again.

Can you keep a male and female hedgehog together for them to breed or will they fight with each other?

"They will mate but if you keep them in there at the birth then the female will kill the male."

What does the noun mate mean?

It can mean friend (informal) or A gorillas' mate would be the female he had children with.

Is it a good to allow your male rabbit to mate?

well it can but not if your female is pregnant coz the female wouldn't want to mate nd she would atack the male so if your female is pregnant separate them

What does a female spider do to its mate?

the female spider kills its mate.

Why willl a male betta kill a female betta after they spawn?

Because the female will usually try to eat the eggs. He will fight to protect them from anything, even his mate.

How can you mate your male and female beta?

mating a male and female beta is simple,but you cannot just put a male and female together expecting them to depends on how agresive your beta is.if you do not introduce them correctly the male will most likely kill the female. you will know he is ready to mate when he blows a bubble nest.

Can a Rottweiler dad be mate with his daughter?

Yes. A female rottweiler can and will mate with her father. No dog knows the identity of his or her father.