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Q: Would a generator be considered a leasehold improvement?
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Would blinds be considered a leasehold improvement?

No, is considered a fixture.

Would desks be considered a leasehold improvement?

no, desks would not be considered a leasehold improvement. You are able to remove these items (take them with you when you go) *****They desk is considered furniture and fixtures and should be depreciated over 7 years, unless you elect to take advantage of section 179.

Is asphalt replacement a leasehold improvement?

As this would be considered a replacement, and not an installation, this would be considered an improvement. If this was a dirt lot and you were laying down the initial surface, this would be a new installation, and depreciated in the same fashion as the main asset.

Are locks a leasehold improvement?

Generally speaking, no. Usual maintenance and repairs to leased property like painting? Plumbing repair, lock changing, etc. would not be considered leasehold improvements.

Does rubber flooring in a fitness club have to be considered a leasehold imrpovement?

As a general rule, any improvement that you do is considered an "improvement". If you are leasing a property, it would then be considered a leasehold improvement. Now, that question should, and probably would, be best answered by an attorney. I am not an attorney, and therefore can not provide legal advice. I am, however, a licensed flooring contractor in California, so my advice should be, and is intended to be strictly about flooring from a flooring contractor's point of view. I believe the main issue you would have here, from the flooring point of view, is that since it's a fitness club, where rubber flooring is conducive to the fitness environment, and it is an improvement over bare concrete, it would be considered an improvement. Please remember, I am not an attorney, nor do I intend to provide legal advice. The key word in your question is HAVE. Does it HAVE to be considered a leasehold improvement? I don't know. I hope that I haven't disappointed you!

Can a security alarm installed in a business qualify as a leasehold improvement?

Most security systems involve wiring, monitors and a control panel which would not be removed at the end of the lease, becoming a permanent fixture of the building. So if a reasonable life expectancy of the system is near the term of the lease, it would be considered a leasehold improvement.

Do you write off leasehold improvements' remaining book value after purchase of the leased building because the leasehold improvement is assumed included in the building purchase price?

I believe you would.

Is modifications to existing AC system considered leasehold improvement?

If the modification is simply replacement of worn out parts (broken ducts, etc), it would probably be repairs. If the expenditure is significant, such as replacing the central unit, or if the expenditure is an addition, such as a computerized control system, then it would probably be a Leasehol Improvement.

Is carpet and parquet fixing is leasehold improvements?

Yes, generally these improvements would be considered leasehold improvements which would stay with the property after your lease terminates unless your lease agreement specifically says otherwise.

Where can I find a whole house generator?

I would look for a house generator at a home improvement store like lowes, or online. Online would probably be the best place to find one at a low price.

What leasehold improvements would add value to real estate i.e. is carpeting considered to add value?

i don't know but you should ask your elders nimrod

Why would a bicycle dynamo be considered a generator?

Because it is a generator. It picks up kinetic energy from the wheel, and turns it into electric energy.