

Would a human survive on Uranus?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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They could survive but if they don't have the right gear you couldn't survive on Uranus.

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Q: Would a human survive on Uranus?
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Could a human survive on Uranus?

no a person could not survive on uranus

Would you be able to survive on the planet Uranus?


What technoloy would be required to live on Uranus?

We have no technology in existence that would enable a human to live on Uranus.

What would happen if a human went to Uranus?

If a human were to travel to Uranus, they would immediately choke, or freeze. This would happen because of the low temperatures, and the low amount of oxygen.

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No no life has been detected on Uranus. No life form known is thought to be able to survive on Uranus..

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What would happen to a human if he lived on Uranus?

he would freeze or sufficate.

Can a human survive on Uranus?

Let's say we Uranus is a gas giant primarily made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. we breath oxygen so we would need oxygen tanks. There is also no solid ground on Uranus so our theoretical Uranus town would have to float. The people on the town would need to get used to seventeen hour days, and no seasons. Uranus is also very cold: over 200 degrees Celsius cold. with these facts: getting people to live on Uranus would be very unlikely at best, but science fiction writers can always dream.

Is it possible for a human to live on Uranus?

No, it is not possible for a human to live on Uranus.

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What modifications would a human need to live on Uranus?

we could not live on Uranus because it is too far away from the sun and and we would need everything we have on Earth and approximately 4,000,000,000 space shuttles to get to Uranus

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