

Would a jaguar win or a cheetah?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Cheetahs cant even win against a leopard, which are smaller and weaker than a jaguar, but in a race the cheetah would winn easily.

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Q: Would a jaguar win or a cheetah?
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Who would win in a race between a cheetah a panther a jaguar and a leopard?

A cheetah, as it is the fastest land animal.

Who would win in a fight between a jaguar and a cheetah?

Jaguars are bigger and stronger but cheetahs are faster so the cheetah could strike easily but the jaguar could hold it still.

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A cheeta would loose against a cougar as well as a Jaguar, and the Cougar would lose about 70% of the time with a jaguar. The Jagaur is the biggest, and the Cougar is the middle, and the cheetah is last, and would be lucky to win against a cougar.

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the cheetah would win because the cheetah is way faster and and has stronger claws the cheetah and wolf would fight and the winner would be the cheetah

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The cheetah would win. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.

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In an all-out fight (not race) a bear would win. In a race of speed, obviously the cheetah would win.

Who would win a cheetah or a Jaguar?

They inhabit different continents.... In a paw-to-paw theoretical combat, the lion would win, but jaguars are way more arboreal and would only (theoretically) attack in ambush from a tree, thus taking the theoretical lion by surprise and winning that way.

What is the difference of a Cheetah and a wolf?

Based on my conclusion, The cheetah would win, even though the cheetah may be frightened by the wolf's appearance, the cheetah would be fast enough to outsmart him, and win.

Does a jaguar have more spots than a cheetah?

a jaguar has no spots. Jaguars are completely black.

What would win lioness vs male cheetah?

male cheetah :)

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The Cheetah,i think

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