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This depends on how serious the kink is. A large kink in a breed which should have a straight tail may be a disqualifying fault, although some breeds (such as the English Bulldog) are allowed to have kinked tails. Hopefully his good assets will outweigh his fault in the ring. Even if the kink does mean you cannot show your Dog professionally, you can still show him at companion and charity Dog shows.

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Q: Would a kink in a dogs tail put them out in showing?
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What causes a kink in a dogs tail?

its not strait because the was its moving or bent you can tell how it feels

What do you do if a cats tail gets cut by a door?

Think of what you would do if you had a bad cut on your finger by slamming the door on it. No different for your cat! Get your cat to the vets immediately before infection sets in! but what if you don't have a vet

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Fats that have kinks in their tails are?

A kink in a cat's tail is usually an indication that it was broken at one time.

Do dogd need there tail to live?

Dogs do not need there tails to live, but it would make it very hard for one to lose their tail. A dogs' tail main purpose is to balance the dog. They may having trouble walking...but they would still be alive.

What unit of measure would you use to measure a dogs tail?

You can use the unit of "inches" or "centimeters" to measure a dog's tail length. Using a measuring tape, start from the base of the tail and measure to the tip for an accurate measurement.

How do dogs show there feelings without using sound?

it matters on the dog. curly tail dogs curl their tail up when their happy, and wag it the same time when their super happy. dogs with strait tails just wag it. when they're bored/ sad all dog's tail go down. And when all dogs a scared the tail is between their legs or it's strait as if their sad, but their tail would be stiff.

Is a dogs tail cartila ge?

No, a dogs tail is just a continuation of the spine.

How would dogs show there emotions if they didn't have a tail?

they would use there eys and ears and sound to do that

Do dogs give a signal when the want to bite?

hair on back raised, tail straight in the air, teath may be showing, stiff posture, possible growling.

What is a tailless cat?

Tailless dogs are those dogs which have a small tail or no tail.

If a puppy was born with a slight kink in its tail will it grow out as the bone starts to develop?

yes that actually happened to my grandfathers dog and about 3 weeks later its tail grew normally