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No. It would have a magnification of 400. The resolution is not directly related to the magnification. It could be higher or lower.

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3w ago

No, the resolution of a microscope is not determined by its magnification power. Resolution refers to the ability to distinguish between two points that are close together. It is influenced by factors like the quality of the lenses and the properties of light used in the microscope.

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Q: Would a microscope that enlarges an object 400 times have a resolution of 400?
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Magnification is important as it enlarges the image of the small object, making details visible. Resolution is important as it determines how much detail can be seen in the image, affecting the clarity and sharpness of the object being viewed. Both magnification and resolution work together to provide a clear and detailed view of the small object under a microscope.

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The letter E would appear as an upside-down and inverted image under a compound microscope due to the way the lenses magnify and flip the object. The actual appearance would depend on the magnification level and resolution of the microscope being used.

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the stage on a microscope is where you would place the object being microscoped. you would put the object lets just say a leaf, on the flat part with lenses above

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A compound light microscope would be suitable for observing skin tissue. It provides enough magnification and resolution to see cellular structures and details within the tissue. If more detailed examination is needed, an electron microscope can be used to visualize ultrastructural features at a higher resolution.

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A light microscope would be suitable for counting the hairs on the surface of a leaf. This type of microscope can provide sufficient magnification and resolution to observe and count the hairs effectively.

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Blue light provides the best resolution in a microscope because of its shorter wavelength compared to other colors in the visible light spectrum. The shorter wavelength allows for greater detail and resolution when viewing microscopic specimens.

Which microscope would you use if the object is too thick to let light pass throught it?

You would use a compound microscope with transmitted illumination or a digital microscope with top lighting. These microscopes can illuminate the object from above, allowing you to observe details even if the object is too thick to let light pass through it.

Would A virologist would likely be able to see viral particles with a light microscope?

No, viral particles are generally too small to be seen with a light microscope, which has a limited resolution of around 200 nanometers. Virologists typically use electron microscopes, which have much higher resolution, to observe and study viral particles.

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You would need an electron microscope to see a ribosome, as they are very small structures, typically around 20-30 nanometers in size, which are below the resolution limit of a light microscope. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons instead of light to achieve much higher resolution.

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A scanning electron microscope would be the best choice because the electron microscope can achieve a much greater resolution than that obtained with the light microscope because the wavelength of electrons is shorter than that of light.

What microscope would be used to look at a blood sample?

A light microscope would typically be used to look at a blood sample. This type of microscope has sufficient magnification and resolution to visualize blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Why would increasing the magnification of the object not necessarily lead to a more satisfying result?

Increasing the magnification of the object does not necessarily lead to a more satisfying result because magnification that is increased beyond a certain point can result to lost resolution. Magnification can be done by using instruments such as a magnifying glass, a microscope, and a telescope.