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Q: Would a mirror periscope be better than a prism periscope?
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Related questions

What are the parts of the periscope?

The periscope has several parts: the ocular lenses, the mirror or prism, inversion/reversion prisms, relay lenses, another mirror or prism, and objective lenses.

What happens in a periscope?

The top of the periscope has a prism that reflects the light to the observers prism. The object the top prism is pointed at is seen at the bottom one.

What does the prism in the periscope do compared to the mirror usually used?

Mirrors have distortion in the images they project while prisms create undistorted images. :D

What type of reflection is made by periscope?

it is prism

Does a periscope work to refract light?

Periscopes work by reflecting light, not refracting it. Light enters the top of the periscope and is reflected through 90 degrees by either a plane mirror or a right angled prism (TIR) and travels down the tube where it is reflected again along the eyepiece to the eye.

How does a periscope work to refract light?

Periscopes work by reflecting light, not refracting it. Light enters the top of the periscope and is reflected through 90 degrees by either a plane mirror or a right angled prism (TIR) and travels down the tube where it is reflected again along the eyepiece to the eye.

How adjust periscope with the help of prism?

Prism is simply one of those issues that is important, that involves knowledgeable help about

What does the captain of a submarine look through?

When at periscope depth, they look through the periscope. It is a prism arrangement that allows good vision around the area. It also provided for gauging distances with a built in range finder.

What does a prism do in a periscope?

it bounces the light from the mirrors so that the light is bounced into the persons eye

Which surface of the mirror is usually used to reflect light?

I would have to say the prism

When can light be detected?

when it reflects off a surface like a mirror or a prism(the prism reflects, absorbs, and retracts light)

What is better for building structure a pyramid or a prism?

A pyramid is a prism