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No. The atmospheric pressure is too low. Perhaps an internal combustion engine could be designed to operate on Mars, but it would not be 'normal.'

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Q: Would a normal combustion engine work on Mars with oxygen injection?
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Why carburetor is necessary in petrol engine?

It's not necessary if you have fuel injection. Any gas engine which does not have fuel injection, like most small equipment engines, uses a carburetor. The carburetor releases the fuel as a mist into air being drawn into the engine. That gets fuel and oxygen into the combustion chamber in a highly combustible condition.

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Hexane + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water - for full combustion Hexane + Oxygen -> Carbon + Carbon Monoxide + Water - for partial combustion

Is oxygen required in combustion?

No, oxygen is required for combustion to take place.

Is oxygen one result of combustion?

No. Oxygen is a reactant in combustion, not a product.

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Like a gas combustion engine, a hydrogen engine relies on the combustion process - in this case, combustion that results when hydrogen is combined with oxygen. Fuel cells in a hydrogen-powered car then convert this mechanical energy into electrical energy.

How can oxygen produce combustion?

Oxygen is a required reactant in a combustion reaction - without oxygen, you do not have combustion. If you combine a hydrocarbon with oxygen and add heat, you will cause a combustion reaction that results in carbon dioxide and water being formed (provided there was complete combustion).

Is more oxygen used in an incomplete combustion than a complete combustion?

More oxygen is used in a complete combustion.

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An engine runs by the combustion of a mixture of oxygen and gasoline. If this mix has too much oxygen, it is said to run lean. When the mixture has too much gasoline in relation to oxygen, it is running rich.

Is moecular oxygen a reaction during a combustion?

No. Molecular oxygen is a reactant in a combustion reaction.

Why is combustion reactions an oxidation reactions?

Because combustion is a reaction with oxygen.

Why does complete combustion release more energy than incomplete combustion?

in complete combustion the amount of oxygen is higher/more than the amount of oxygen in incomplete combustion. Heat needs oxygen.

Is engine oil combustible?

The previous answer was obscene and irrelevant. I removed it. Engine oil is combustible (i.e., flammable), whether it's new or old and dirty. It is a liquid petroleum product, and as such it's flammable. But if you mean combustible as in the term, "internal combustion engine", it is not a suitable fuel. In an internal-combustion engine, the rate of burn must be very rapid, or "explosive". Engine oil is not explosive under normal pressures. However, if pressure were very high, and if the motor oil were sprayed in tiny droplets into an oxygen-rich environment, it could become explosive enough to serve as a fuel for an internal combustion engine.