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Q: Would a sharpie marker be able to write on a yellow sponge?
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Is sharpie marker toxic?

no, they wouldn't make a marker that anyone can use toxic. But if you sucked on it I would tell a doctor, just sayin,

Can you get sick if you swallowed a sharpie marker?

Yes you can get sick, or worse die, if you swallow a sharpie marker. It could cause choking, poisoning, or become lodged in the intestines. Something like this would probably need to be removed surgically.

Would eyes run a yellow discharge after using Sharpie markers?


How do you remove permanent sharpie marker from tile?

I believe that nail polish remover would take it off the tile.

Would a light bulb bust if you colored it with a sharpie marker?

no but you might make it explode some other day

Can you get arrested for carrying a sharpie on the streets?

In general, carrying a sharpie marker pen is not a crime, so you would not get arrested for it. However, there are circumstances where carrying the sharpie is evidence that you are involved in a crime, and therefore an arrest would be justified. Often vandals are arrested when they are discovered with markers or paint.

What happens when you color on your eye with a marker or sharpie?

First of all,who would do that?But the wetness of the eye would probably get off like if there was a piece of dirt in your eye.

What happens if a sharpie enters the bloodstream?

im not sure but coz its pernament marker i would seek medical advice! hope this helps you ! x

What drawing tool do you need too make Lego decals?

I would use a fine or ultra fine sharpie marker not pen.(any color)

Dear Webkinz you need to make a button that will put all the Webkinz to bed and you need to make a sharpie Webkinz?

Spengeltin edit: Yes, A Sharpie webkinz would be nice... and why don't you do it manually lazy much =/ -- What is a Sharpie webkinz sharpie lk a marker?? OMJ Dr. Quack always says my webkinz is tired but it's always in bed?? what to do

Which brand of permanent marker is the most permanent?

Sharpies are the leading permanent marker brand! if you use Clorox to try to remove it on a dry erase board, it will simply get discolored. Try nail polish remover. Quote. Don't listen to this person. He is wrong you asked what is the most permanent marker. The most permanent would be sharpie. He told you about cleaning that's all wrong. and king size sharpie would do the best job for you:) (spelling edited by girlpolice)

How do you get Sharpie Marker off clothing?

Use Tide To Go it works great it brings it right off! If that does not work I would use Bleach and scurb really hard!