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There is a mechanical advantage in using a long, gently sloping ramp than a short steep ramp. If you want to test this remember what goes up must come down and a long ramp gives you more time to react

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14y ago
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1w ago

A longer ramp would typically have a greater mechanical advantage compared to a shorter ramp. This is because a longer ramp provides a shallower incline, reducing the force required to move an object up the ramp.

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11y ago

The Mechanical advantage becomes smaller decreasing the amount of work that needs to be done. It will take less effort to lift the object or load

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10y ago

It doesn't.

It changes only if the slope changes.

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11y ago

short ramp

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Q: Would a short or long ramp have a greater mechanical advantage?
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What levers has the largest mechanical advantage?

A lever with a long effort arm and a short load arm has the largest mechanical advantage. This type of lever allows a small input force to exert a greater output force over a shorter distance. An example of this is a crowbar or a wheelbarrow.

Why does a long thin wedge have a greater mechanical advantage than a short wide wedge?

A long thin wedge has a greater mechanical advantage because it requires less force to push it under an object due to its increased length, which allows the force to be distributed over a larger area. This increases the chances of success in splitting the object apart compared to a short wide wedge that concentrates the force over a smaller area.

Can Mechanical Advantage be greater than Velocity Ratio for any machine?

Yes, it is possible for a machine to have a Mechanical Advantage greater than its Velocity Ratio. This scenario can occur in machines where the input force is larger than the output force but the input distance is smaller than the output distance, resulting in a Mechanical Advantage that is greater than the Velocity Ratio.

Do you need a short lever or long lever to lift something easier?

A long lever will make it easier to lift something because it allows you to exert more force over a greater distance, reducing the amount of force needed. Short levers require more effort as they provide less mechanical advantage.

How do you find the mechanical advantage of a trebuchet?

The mechanical advantage of a trebuchet can be calculated by dividing the length of the long arm (from the pivot point to the location where the counterweight is attached) by the length of the short arm (from the pivot point to the sling pouch where the projectile is placed). This ratio represents how much the trebuchet amplifies the input force applied to the short arm to launch the projectile.

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Which has a greater mechanical advantage along or short wide wedge?

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What is the mechanical advantage of a machine without friction?

Machinal advantage, also known as mechanical advantage, refers to the ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to it. A machine can be useful even its machinal advantage is less than 1.

Can Mechanical Advantage be greater than Velocity Ratio for any machine?

Yes, it is possible for a machine to have a Mechanical Advantage greater than its Velocity Ratio. This scenario can occur in machines where the input force is larger than the output force but the input distance is smaller than the output distance, resulting in a Mechanical Advantage that is greater than the Velocity Ratio.

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Greater accuracy in reading them.

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The long ramp.

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Long gently slope inclined plane

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Why does a longer bicycle ramp have better mechanical advantage than a shorter one?

Mechanical advantage is defined as the input force divided by the output force. If both ramps have the same final height, the longer one will generally have the greater mechanical advantage because it requires less overall work from the cyclist to raise the bicycle to a higher potential energy in a uniform gravitational field. The limit to this exists where the ramp becomes so long that it actually takes more energy to traverse than the short since you must account for the work required to maintain forward motion against friction and the climb against gravity. This limiting distance is related to the final height of the ramp.

Is a toilet flusher a lever?

Yes, a toilet flusher is a type of lever. When you press the toilet handle, it lifts a flap or chain inside the toilet tank which triggers the flushing mechanism. This action demonstrates the principles of leverage.

What factors determine the mechanical advantage of pulley system?

Disregarding friction and other losses, mechanical advantage N = F/f which is force into the system f and force out F. We can think of each wheel in a pulley system as being part of a lever. And each lever has its own mechanical advantage n = F/f = L/l where L is the long end from the fulcrum and l is the short end from it. And there we are. Those lengths, L and l, have their analogs in the pulley wheel radii or diameters (they are equivalent). So if you have a pulley system made up of two connected wheels, with diameters D and d, the mechanical advantage of the system is N = D/d or R/r for radii. If there are more than two wheels, we can simply multiply the mechanical advantages between each pair of connected wheels to get the total mechanical advantage of the entire system.

Can a machine be useful if its mechanical advantage is less than one?

Sure, take your forearm, for instance. It is a lever that trades force for speed because the insertion points for the muscles on the bone (effort) are closer to the fulcrum (elbow) than the resistance (your hand). Your muscle contracts a short distance but that is translated to a greater distance at the hand. A short effort arm and a longer resistance arm gives a lever with a MA < 1

That kid has bad spelling?

Theoretically, wedge is a simple machine that is used to offer mechanical advantage. The force normal to inclined surfaces of wedge is much greater(depending on angle of wedge) than force applied to the short side. This is exploited in axes and various other tools. ALL OF THIS IS WRONG!q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASK YUR TEECHAR