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no, because birth control (in any method: pills, ring, patch, shot, implant) is meant to CONTROL birth BEFORE it happens. they are useless after you're already pregnant.

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Q: Would a unborn child die if you took several birth control pills?
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You can switch forms of birth control to what is most comfortable for you. If you would like to switch birth control consult your physician so that she/he can choose a birth control pill that is right for you.

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How exactly could they have sinned before birth? Now you have to figure out why a God would do this to an unborn innocent child.

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Very wrong as she is effecting not only her life but the life of someone that may potentially not be ready/may not ever want to be a father and that of an unborn baby.

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That would be foolish. Birth control pills prevent pregnancy.

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She did not have one. She believed that compulsory birth control would bring doen the government.

Can social services take away an unborn baby?

No. The logistics of that would not work. However, they can remove your child at birth under some circumstances.

What options are there for birth control besides the pill?

There are several different options for birth control, including condoms, the patch, the sponge and shots. Each method has different pros and cons, so I would suggest discussing the options with your gynecologist or visiting a Planned Parenthood for more information.