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Q: Would biting a sandwich be a mechanical or chemical digestion?
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Compare and contrast mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?

Mechanical Digestion (or physical digestion) is more about the mouth. It's chewing, biting, breaking down, and sofening the food. This is why its called "Mechanical" Digestion.Mechanical digestion involves the pulverizing and crushing of food particles, usually by chewing. Chemical digestion occurs through the secretion of digestive juices.

Is biting into an apple a physical change?

ChemistryNo, it isn't a chemical change. Just because the apple lost a piece, mass, and volume, doesn't mean it is no longer an apple. Rather, this is a mechanical change.

What chemicals do a mosquito injects while biting humans?

desensitizing chemical

How does eating a hamburger involve both the somatic and autonomic nevous systems?

Biting, chewing & swallowing are somatic, the rest of digestion is autonomic.

Define the word caustic?

(adj.) - capable of burning or corroding by a chemical action; sarcastic, biting

Do bisons have jaws?

Of course they do. All creatures that chew their food before digestion have jaws and teeth, capable of biting and grinding so it can be swallowed without choking.

What is the present progressive tense of bite?

I am biting. You are biting. She is biting. We are biting.

Why is cutting of carrots a physical change?

Yes it is a phisycal change because even though you cut the carrot in half its still a carrot. You're not changing the substence you are just changing what it looks like no cutting carrotis not a physical change no cutting carrotis not a physical change

Is eating an apple a physical or chemical change?

Eating an apple is both chemical and physical. By biting and chewing the apple you are causing a physical change in the apples general structure- nothing chemical. But when you swallow the apple and your stomach acid breaks down the apple and absorbs nutrients you are exerting a chemical change.

Why do animals grow teeth?

For the same reason as humans. Teeth are essential for the mastication (chewing) stage of digestion. Teeth can also be used as a defence mechanism for many animals.

What is a sentence with the word biting?

I can give you several sentences.The fleas were biting the dog hard enough to make it yelp.She made a biting remark and hurt his feelings.Are the fish biting today?

When was No Biting created?

No Biting was created in 1993.