

Would cold fusion be enough energy to create a warp field?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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neither cold fusion nor warp fields exist.

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Q: Would cold fusion be enough energy to create a warp field?
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How do you use fusion in a sentence?

Scientists are researching how to achieve nuclear fusion, a process that releases a large amount of energy by combining atomic nuclei. The sun is powered by fusion reactions, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. The goal of fusion research is to harness this process and create clean, limitless energy for the future.

What kind of energy would be nuclear fusion?

Nuclear energy, which is a kind of potential energy.

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To breath. We use it to create our energy, without a sufficient source of oxygen we would die in a very short of time because our bodies could not create enough energy and sugar to function.

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What energy would be used in a nuclear reaction in a star?

Nuclear fusion.

If there wasn't enough gravity how would you make more?

You can't create it nor destory it. Just like the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Why would fusion be a better source of energy?

because it fuses together to form more and more energy!

What is combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy called?

That would be nuclear fusion, like what happens in stars, when two hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus.

What would happen to Jupiter if you could somehow double its mass?

Jupiter would suddenly have aquired enough mass that the temperature and pressure in its core would begin the fusion of hydrogen atoms. Simultaneously Jupiter would also have enough gravity to keep that energy from suddenly exploding outwards. That would make Jupiter a star.

If nuclear fusion did not occur in stars how would that affect us on earth?

Since most of the energy we get from the Sun is the result of nuclear fusion, I guess that would mean that we would receive ALMOST NO energy from the Sun. We WOULD receive some energy as a result of the Sun contracting due to gravity, but that wouldn't last long.

Could a fusion power keep the planet safe?

Yes. Fusion energy would generate helium, a useful gas which is relatively inert and can easily escape. It would not liberate carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, which results in global warming. Fusion energy would be very clean and non polluting, and we have sufficient fuel (deuterium) to run fusion reactors for many thousands of years.