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Two plates colliding will generate both regional and contact metamorphism. The point of contact would have contact metamorphism while surrounding parts would be regionally metamophrsed.

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1mo ago

Regional metamorphism would be the product of two plates colliding. The intense pressure and temperature generated during plate collision can create regional metamorphism, which affects a larger area and involves the recrystallization of rocks. Contact metamorphism, on the other hand, is caused by heat from a nearby magma intrusion and affects rocks in a localized area.

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Q: Would contact metamorphism or regional metamorphism be a product of 2 plates colliding?
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Is marble contact or regional metamorphism?

Marble is a product of regional metamorphism, which occurs due to the intense heat and pressure within the Earth's crust. This process transforms limestone, a sedimentary rock, into marble, a metamorphic rock with distinct mineral composition and texture.

Why are metamorphic rocksformed by contact metamorphism usually not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism?

Metamorphic rocks formed by contact metamorphism are typically not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism because contact metamorphism occurs at lower pressures and temperatures near a magma body. This results in less intense recrystallization of minerals and less compressional forces acting on the rock, leading to a less dense final rock product.

How does sandstone gets converted to quartzite?

Sandstone is converted to quartzite through a process called metamorphism, where extreme heat and pressure cause the minerals in the sandstone to recrystallize and cement together. This process can occur deep within the Earth's crust, transforming the sandstone into a harder, more durable rock known as quartzite.

When rocks are metamorphosed how do they change afterwards?

During metamorphism, rocks undergo changes in their mineral composition and texture due to heat, pressure, and chemically active fluids. This process can result in the formation of new minerals, recrystallization of existing minerals, and changes in the overall appearance and structure of the rock. The final product of metamorphism is a metamorphic rock, which can exhibit foliation, new mineral assemblages, and a denser, more compact structure compared to the original rock.

What is the process called where igneous sedimentary or metamorphic rocks are changed by heat or pressure?

Your question contains part of the answer, 'metamorphic' rocks are the product of this process and the process is called Metamorphism - the solid-state recrystallization of pre-existing rocks as a result of changes in heat, pressure, and/or introduction of fluids.

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Is marble contact or regional metamorphism?

Marble is a product of regional metamorphism, which occurs due to the intense heat and pressure within the Earth's crust. This process transforms limestone, a sedimentary rock, into marble, a metamorphic rock with distinct mineral composition and texture.

Why are metamorphic rocksformed by contact metamorphism usually not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism?

Metamorphic rocks formed by contact metamorphism are typically not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism because contact metamorphism occurs at lower pressures and temperatures near a magma body. This results in less intense recrystallization of minerals and less compressional forces acting on the rock, leading to a less dense final rock product.

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The word "metamorphic" is the adjective form of the word "metamorphism. " An example of a sentence using the word "metamorphic" is "Metamorphic rocks are the product of a process called metamorphism, in which existing rocks and minerals undergo a transformation. "

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