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Q: Would going from a 6 Gauge piercing to a 4 Gauge piercing be noticeable?
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Can you pierce a tongue with a 16 gauge needle and a 14 gauge piercing?

It's not recommended to pierce your tongue yourself as it can lead to complications like excessive bleeding, infection, or nerve damage. It's best to go to a professional piercer who will have the proper tools and expertise to safely perform the piercing. Typically, a 14 gauge needle is used to pierce the tongue for a standard tongue piercing.

What if your belly button piercing size is to small for your jewelry?

Well I would suggest going to your local professional body piercer and have your piercing stretched up with a taper (don't worry it doesn't hurt) , the average size or gauge is 14g . If your jewellery is 16g or smaller then it's too small for the piercing and can pose a danger of tearing the piercing (something you don't want to happen).

How long do you wait to go up a size on your ear gauges?

If the piercing is a new piercing, you need to wait until the original piercing is healed before you get into stretching. Stretching involves starting with a seasoned and healed piercing and working up one gauge at a time once every 30 days until you reach the gauge you want. Going faster than one gauge every 30 days or skipping over a gauge will result in permanent tissue damage and piercings that won't return to normal if the wearer chooses to revert the piercings.

What gauge wire to use for 70 amp service going 200' underground?

I would recommend you use 1/0 gauge

How much is Claires ear piercing?

It is free when you buy the starter earrings, though I would highly recommend going to Piercing Pagoda, which is also free with earrings.

Can you going swimming after belly button piercing?

Wait at least 2 months. Longer would be better. Water is filled with bacteria so going swimming with a new piercing will greatly increase the risk for infection which can lead to rejection.

What should you do after getting a belly piercing?

I would suggest going to the emergency room for medical assistance, if you mean a "navel piercing" then follow the written aftercare instructions provided to you by your professional body piercer. FYI no one does "Belly Piercing", if you find a place that does "Belly Piercing" that's not the place to get your "navel piercing" from. Seriously

Is bleeding during cartilage piercing normal?

A little bleeding is to be expected with cartilage piercings, the incision in the cartilage needs to be larger than the jewellery gauge going into the piercing, this is to allow the skin to heal between the jewellery and the cartilage. Excessive bleeding is an indication your piercer didn't candle the cartilage before doing the piercing to see where the veins are located on both sides of the cartilage.

Is body piercing at a young age bad?

I would recommend against body piercing at a young age. It is painful, and it can lead to infections. If you want to be noticed, wear some distinctive clothing. Get an interesting haircut. Piercing is going too far.

My first lip piercing didn't bleed but when I did one next to it it bled Why?

I am going to assume you did them yourself and the piercing wasn't done by a professional body piercer, there fore a vein was hit while doing the piercing. That is why it is bleeding.

Does industrial piercing hurt more then the lip?

Obviously, yes. An industrial would be going through two (not one, but TWO) pieces of cartridge, with just one piece of jewelry. The lip is just a soft tissue piercing. The pain always depends on each person, but nearly anyone will tell you that a cartridge piercing (especially going through twice with the industrial) will hurt far more than a lip piercing.

Is it possible to reduce an 18-gauge piercing to a 20-gauge piercing or is it only possible to stretch your piercings?

As long as the jewelry is not to heavy the skin will eventually shrink, and your not going to drastic so yes it should shrink to a 20g within a few months or less. --- i have my ears stretched to around a 2g and they are almost completely closed up, so given that, I'm sure if you put in a smaller ring the skin should close up on it.