

Would having bipolar keep you from being licensed?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Perhaps. It would depend on what license you are talking about and if you meds are working well. Your doctor can help best with this question.

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Q: Would having bipolar keep you from being licensed?
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Bipolar isn't a direct consequence of being the child of first cousins. If nobody in the family has had it, it is highly unlikely that you will. However, if there is a tendency to bipolar in the family, having that from both parents does increase the risk.

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Online quizes are referred to as 'canned', meaning that there are only a limited number of questions and outcomes, and not being very accurate at all. For an accurate diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, a licensed physician should be consulted.

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What are chances of two siblings being bipolar?

Bipolar disorder affects between 1-1.6% of the population of the United States, but, unfortunately, it does run in families as it is known to be, at least partially, passed down through genetics. There is no data specifically on siblings but it is known that first-degree relatives, in general (which siblings would be), of people with bipolar I disorder have a seven times greater chance of having bipolar I than the general population. In identical twins, studies have found a concordance rate of between 33-90% in bipolar I. Additionally, offspring of a parent with bipolar disorder have about a 50% chance of having another major psychiatric illness. Reference: Medscape Reference:

Is bipolar contagious?

No it isn't. A person can not transfer being bipolar to you and it's nothing you can catch.

What is bipolar and how would you know if you had it?

You can tell if you have bipolar disease by going to the doctor and getting some tests done. The doctor will be able to determine if you indeed do have bipolar disease. You cannot diagnose yourself with something like this.

How does being bipolar affect an alcoholic?

With the exception of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder is the mental illness most commonly associated with alcoholism. Over 40% of individuals with Bipolar 1 have a history of alcohol abuse.Basically, Bipolar Disorder and alcoholism tend to go hand in hand. Being Bipolar can cause increased mood swings in alcoholics.

Does having bipolar disorder keep a person from being in jail?

No, actually one of the largest populations of people with this type of mental condition is currently in correctional facilities in the US.

Can someone being treated for bipolar still have manic episodes?

Yes, but the episodes tend to not be as severe as they would be if not on medication.

What does it mean when somebody calls you bipolar?

Being bipolar means that you have extreme mood swings between depression and happiness.

What are the symptoms of bipolar syndrome?

Some symptoms of bipolar syndrome are having lots of mood swings and changes. You could go from being very sweet and then in a blink of an eye your whole mood changes for the worst. Sometimes the littlest thing can trigger it and you aren't thinking like yourself.