

Best Answer

well depends on how much you earn and how much you loose everyday. there are many answers to this questions,it all arrives to thwe physics of life and how the economy works.

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Q: Would it be advantageous to live in a state that does not collect income taxes?
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Does the state you live in collect income tax?

Yes the state that I live in does have a personal state income tax and does collect the states personal income taxes from the taxpayers.

If you live in FL and work in another state where do you pay state income tax?

The state where you work and earn the income wants to collect some state income tax on the income that you earn in that state.

Who collects state income taxes?

The state itself will collect income taxes from its citizens if it is a state that collects state income taxes. 43 of the 50 states collect state income taxes.

Can your husband's ex use your income to collect alimony in the state of Arizona?

No, it is not attachable.

Can you collect benefits on interstate claim if you have not worked in that state?

No, benefits are only payable from states where income was earned. You can live in one state and collect from another, but only if you worked in that other state

Do state and city government collect individual income tax?

Almost all states collect income taxes. Some major cities do as well. In New York state, for example, the cities of New York and Yonkers impose a separate municipal income tax, which is calculated on the same form and submitted to the state for distribution to the cities.

Does state aid count as income for taxes?

State aid would not be taxable income that you would report on your income tax return.

Can you collect unemployment and collect fee for answering surveys occasionally?

Yes, but a prudent person would report the income to the state's unemployment office to make sure you complied with their reporting requirements and weren't committing unemployment fraud. Receiving income while getting benefits is permissible, just do it by the rules.

What is the process by which federal and state governments collect income tax?

BY Assesing Total Inocme and Expenses of their pepple.

How do you legally avoid California income taxes by moving to Nevada?

If the income is earned in the State of California you are not going to avoid the taxes. As a matter of fact you will probably increase the amount of State Income Tax because you would then have to file a Non-Residence Return, which in many states is at higher rates that a Resident Taxes.

Do military retirees pay taxes on retirement income in WA?

If you are talking about state income taxes, Washington does not have a state income tax so there would be no state income tax on the retirement income for Washington residents. Generally, there would be Federal tax though.

What are three different types of fees a state may collect?

Fees collected in a state are taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, imports, estates and gifts.