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would it be better for the United States to have a direct democracy

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Q: Would it be better for the U.S to have a direct democracy?
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Would it be better for the US to have direct democracy?

That is a question of opinion so there is no right or wrong answer. :)

Does the US have a direct democracy?

No, the US has a representative democracy.

Is democracy today in the US a direct democracy?


Was the signing of the Mayflower Compact an example of direct democracy or indirect democracy?

The Mayflower compact would be a better example of Direct Democracy then Indirect Democracy. This is because the agreement was ment so that the British Gov could not easily control them as everyone would have a say in it and decide wether it was wise to let the Britsh Gov interfere. An Indirect demo would be where citizens would tell their elected official their opinions and he would report to the king. Our US gov is a good example of Indirect democracy though it also shares a few beliefs with Direct Democracy.

Why is the US a direct democracy?

The US is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. The Founders thought that the American people needed to have distance from the policies that would be considered to prevent mob-rule and keep voting among the more educated persons.

Which president of US was opposed to direct democracy and why?

Every US President has opposed direct democracy because it would allow the unwashed masses to directly control policy as opposed to restricting policy votes and decisions to those people educated enough to make them. Additionally, in a direct democracy, it is likely the President would be out of a job.As it currently stands, the US government is an indirect democracy, where citizens vote for politicians who will themselves vote on policy. A direct democracy circumvents the politicians' vote.

Why doesnt the US have a direct democracy?

A definition of a direct democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.

Where can direct democracy still found in the US today?

Direct democracy does not exist in the US. The US exercises indirect democracy, which means that the people elect representatives, such as congressmen, senators, governors, and the president. It is these people who handle legislation. Direct democracy means that the people vote on bills themselves (directly). Instances of direct democracy were found only in the ancient world.

Does the US have a direct democracy or a representative democracy?

Representative. We vote for people to represent us.

What is the closest approximation to a direct democracy in the US?

Local governments are ran as close to a direct democracy as the terms provide for.

Is the US government a direct democracy?

No, we're a republic.

Do people think the direct democracy would work in us?

No I don't. The way our government is set up now is meant to protect the minority. If it was a direct democracy, the majority would continually have control, and the minority would eventually become fed up to the point that they revolted.