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Unless that's all you play and you don't play online, then sure. Go for it.

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Q: Would it be worth prestiging on split screen in modern warfare 2?
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What is the best gun to save on modern warfare 3 after prestiging?

I would recommend the PP90M1 if you're looking for short range or the ACR 6.8 if you want medium/long range.

What is the maximum level on call of duty modern warfare 2?

75 Actually its 70. And if i were you i would seriously think about prestiging. There really wasnt a point to do it in Call of Duty 4. But in Modern Warefare 2 you get rewards for prestiging. Like every other time you prestige you get an extra slot for your custom classes. Plus just think all the fun you had working to get to a lvl 70. You get to experience this 10 times.

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modern warfare is the best, why would you want to ?

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I would say modern warfare 2 but it is based on personal opinion.

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Is it true that call of duty modern warfare 2 might go on Wii?

No if there was another game it would have been Modern Warfare Reflex 2

Will there be a modern warfare movie?

no it would be rubish any way

What is Call of Duty 6 about?

its about how it would feel and how hard it would be to be in modern day warfare

Is modern warfare better then modern warfare 2?

This is completely subjective and a matter of opinion, however my opinion would be that they're both good quality games. They both have their own advantages, modern warfare 2 has much better perks and more personalisation, however modern warfare 1 has better maps and better guns, overall i'd say only you can answer the question, but my experience would say COD 4

Is Ghost in modern warfare 1?

No, Ghost does not appear in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but the same voice actor (Craig Fairbrass) who voiced Ghost in Modern Warfare 2 also voiced Gaz from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. As for the Perk "Ghost", No It does not appear but instead "UAV Jammer" is the replacement.

Will modern warfare 2 be on Wii?

no I heard this on a websit called IGN check it out 4 urself, Than again, there is a good chance it would be on the Wii, I would most likely come out for the Wii on some form but it's almost certain. Most Nintendo Wii users think that Modern Warfare Reflex Edition is a Modern Warfare game like COD 4. It is not really Treyarch had to make it for Infinity Ward and they released it with Modern Warfare 2. How can they make a Modern Warfare 2 for you guys when they have not made the first game. The game you should have been asking for was Modern Warfare Reflex Edition 2 and hoped that it would be released with the MW3 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 8 2011.