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Q: Would killing the president get the death penalty?
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What is the penalty for harming or killing a cow in India?

I would assume a slow and painfull death.

Can an impeached president suffer the death penalty or life imprisonment?

Impeachment doesn't carry a death penalty. But if a president murdered someone in a state that has capital punishment, it would a remote possibility.

The death penalty was not enforced if?

The death penalty is not enforced if the person is insane, or a genuine acct, and killing in war time.

What crimes in California allow the death penalty?


Why we should abolished death penalty?

because who are we to kill another human and we would be doing the same as the person we are killing

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.

What punishments do serial killer receive for killing?

most likely the death penalty.

How long would a person go to jail for killing a Pregnant person?

They may go to jail for 30years or even suffer the death penalty

Can the president overturn or pardon a death penalty sentence?

No, not his authority.

Why is the death penalty ok?

Because the police like killing people it's funny

What do you call the killing of an innocent person?

Killing a person is either murder or manslaughter even if they are not that innocent (not counting death penalty).

Can you get the death penalty in Texas for killing a dog?

no, though I am positive that the punishment for animal abuse is severe.