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Q: Would mixing alcohol and Paxil cause loss of memory?
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Can Nyquil and Paxil taken together cause a panic attack?

It's funny you should this, I would get anxiety when I used Nyquil while I was taking paxil. I think you shouldn't use the Nyquil with DXM in it while on paxil

What kind of impact on the intoxication rate does mixing alcohol with other drugs have?

The impact of intoxication rate by mixing other drugs with alcohol can vary depending on the drugs used. Mixing Adderall, for instance, with alcohol can mask the effect and make a person seem less intoxicated, when they are in fact at the same level of intoxication as they would be without the drug; this can often lead to alcohol poisoning. Mixing Xanax can increase the effect of both the alcohol and the drug causing dangerous side effects.

What is the independent variable in an experiment designed to investigate the effects of alcohol consumption on memory?

In this experiment, the independent variable would be the amount of alcohol consumed by the participants. Different amounts of alcohol would be administered to different groups to observe the effect on memory.

What is the art of making drinks by mixing alcohol called?

Mixology is the art of making drinks by mixing alcohol. A person who practices this art would be called a mixologist. Mixologists tend to create more exotic drinks than the average bartender.

Can Paxil cause a false positive for antidepresents?

Paxil is an antidepressant so the result would be a true positive, not false

How many Paxil would it take to kill?


Is it safe to take percaset 10 mg when you take vyvance?

You would be mixing downers with uppers so i would have to say it would be a bad idea, especially if you were to drink alcohol with it as well.

How much NyQuil for 037 blood alcohol reading in 190 pound male?

Mixing NyQuil with alcohol can be dangerous and is not recommended. It is important to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional rather than trying to self-medicate for a specific blood alcohol reading. Mixing alcohol with medication can have unpredictable and harmful effects on the body.

What if you took a lot of vicodin and Valium and drank alcohol?

If you did this call 911 I'm not sure but mixing drug and alcohol is never good. If I were you I would do drugs one night and drink a few days later if you must do either.

What does more damage alcohol or petroleum?

Drinking petroleum would unquestionably be more dangerous than drinking alcohol, ounce for ounce. Mixing the two (drinking and driving) is not a good idea, either. Apart from that, your question is pointless.

Can you take Adderall and Paxil together?

I talked to a pharamicst today about the same question because paxil and stress has been giving me terrible headaches, the pharamisct told me that advil would be alright to take with paxil but if i were you i would speak to the doctor that prescribed the paxil to you.

Can mixing 60 mg of ambien 20 mg of ativan and alcohol kill you?

There would be no need to mix those doses, you will probably just pass out. Also it depends on the amount of alcohol that you drink too as this is where there could be major problems.