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Probably Not. They do not test for it on drug screenings.

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Q: Would neurontin make you fail a urine test at a methadone clinic?
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Will flexeril show up on an urine test at an methadone clinic?

No, methadone clinics usually do not test for flexeril.

Does Oxycontin show up on a urine test at a methadone clinic?

Yes they detect differently. I know that some drug tests require a seperate, specific test to detect methadone (and it shows up as methadone).

How can you pass a Urine drug test at a methadone clinic Wednesday for marijuana?

Easy, they don't generally care about marijuana at methadone maintenance clinics.

Will synthetic urine with a little methadone mixed in work to pass pain clinic drug test?

No, because the test isn't looking for methadone. It's looking for the metabolic products of methadone, which you only get by actually taking the stuff.

What is detected in a Methadone Urine test?

Only methadone will be detected because the methadone urine test is specifically used to detect methadone.

Can they tell if you have done extra methadone at methadone clinic with a urine test?

they can't tell. the only way you can measure the levels of methadone currently flowing through your system would be a blood test. they just make sure that you're taking your methadone - not how much.

Would methadone show as oxymorphone on a urine test?

No, Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test to detect it.

What medicines will show up as methadone or weed in a urine test?

Um. Methadone and Weed would probably show up as Methadone and Weed.

Do methadone clinics test urine to check if male or female?

No they do not. they do however, check for levels of methadone and levels of metabolites to prove the methadone was injested. so if you pour methadone in a drink that looks like urine, no metabolites and too much methadone would look suspicious. I assume this is why you asked.

Will you pass a standard lab urine test for methadone?

Yes, I would.

Does atarax show up in urine as a benzodiazapine?

not on saliva but urine it does it is the same exact thing as benadryl i got in trouble at the methadone clinic cuz my urine came up 4 benadryl(which is the same as atarax or vistaril)

Does methadone show up on probation and parole urine tests in Delaware?

yes, if methadone is specifically tested for. Most of the time methadone is not tested for, but on tests with more panels a test for methadone will be present. Methadone does not show up in the urine as an opiate.