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Q: Would not be an example of protein use in a living organism?
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What is any living things called?

Any living thing would be an organism- i hoped that helped you!

What situation in nature which one living thing depends on another living thing?

if it is a mutually beneficial relationship then it would be symbiosys (for example the bacteria in your gut which help you digest food), if one organism lives at the expense of the other, then that organism would be considered a parasite.

What would happen if there is no genetic similarity in living organism?

If you mean that an organism has no genetic similarly to any other living organism, then you have a new species.

What is a fosssil?

A fossil is a living organism (plant/animal) that died and left traces in a dirt or rock compound. An example for this would be a 'Dinosaur'.

Is collagen an example of globular protein?

No, collagen is a Fibrous protein. An example would be insulin.

An example of a protein?

A protein would be meat like chicken.

Organism in a sentence?

An organism is any living thing. A sentence using the word organism would be, "The toad is a very interesting organism."

What Characteristics of an organism?

The characteristics of a living organism would be that it can grow, reproduce, is made of cells, and can adapt to the environment. All living things can do this.

What are an organism's characteristics?

The characteristics of a living organism would be that it can grow, reproduce, is made of cells, and can adapt to the environment. All living things can do this.

What would happen if the organism did not have casien as a protein?

Casein is a protein present in milk of mammals . Its absence would present problem for milk production in mammals .

Would RNA polymerase be an example of a non-protein enzyme?

Yes,it is an example of non protein enzyme.

What any living is called?

Any living thing would be an organism- i hoped that helped you!