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Potato chips would dissolve faster because they are made out of less dense material

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Q: Would potato Chips or Corn Chips dissolve faster?
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If one bag of potato chips cost 0.70 how much would 3 cost?

If one bag of potato chips costs 0.70, then three bags of potato chips will cost 2.1.

Would Sprite Fanta Or Coke dissolve faster when a skittle is put in?

A skittle would dissolve faster in Coke.

Would potato chips be calorie restricted?

Potato chips are super fattening and unhealthy. Try popcorn instead, much healthier and a lot less calories

Would ink dissolve faster or slower in warm water?

Faster. Because the hotter/warmer the substance, the faster ink or any other material would dissolve in it.

Why are potato chips unhealthy?

some people thick potato chips are healthy but they are not you can eat them or they will add alot of carbsAnswerPotato chips contain a lot of sodium and grease, which leads to acne for certain people. One bag of potato chips contains 160-300 calories, due to high amounts of carbohydrates. Consuming potato chips on a daily basis would lead to weight gain and possibly obesity.

Do potato chips help plant growth?

Potato chips are a highly salted food, and as such they would bad for most plants, which do better in soil that is not too salty. And even those plants which are tolerant of salt, would derive little benefit from potato chips, which contain little of the minerals that help plant fertility.

If 24 people ate 6lb of potato chips how many pounds of potato chips would you want to have on hand to serve 100 people?

(100/24)*6 = 25

How do you preserve potato chips?

Potato chips do not require refrigeration and they won't last any longer if you do refrigerate them - they will still get stale - but they would last longer if you freeze them. Although why you want to keep your potato chips for such a long period of time, I don't know.

How can you measure grease on potato chips?

you can rub the potato chips on a brown paper towel

How many potato chips would it take to make an airplane?

Depends on the size of the plane.

Where do chips contain fat?

chips that are not dry or roasted such as apple chips, banana chips, are fried in oil. potato chips are potato shavings that are fried in oil to give them that crunchy texture and delicious flavor. all the fat is held in the oil which is absorbed by the potato. if you look on a chip package sometimes it will say baked chips, or roasted. then it would not have been fried in oil. go to for the fat and nutritional contents of any food you can think of ;-)

Would cause a gas to dissolve faster into a solution?
