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No. Disorganized schizophrenia makes it hard for people to focus on one thing at a time, and also makes it hard to focus on everyday tasks, including doing homework and getting ready for school.

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Q: Would someone with disorganized schizophrenia do good in school?
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What type of schizophrenia is an inappropriate affective behavior?

This would probably be hebephrenic schizophrenia (also known as disorganized schizophrenia). However, all types of schizophrenia by definition have inappropriate affect. Hebephrenia is simply the most obvious and severe form that is based on an affective disorder.

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she will not go to trial because she cannot understand the charges or assist in her defense

How would a biological psychologist explain the symptoms of a schizophrenia patient?

A biological psychologist would say that people with schizophrenia act like they do because of abnormalities in the brain. Hallucinations might be attributed to abnormalities of the temporal lobe. Breakdown of the frontal lobe may cause disorganized behavior.

What is the blood pressure of someone with schizophrenia?

Someone with schizophrenia who wasn't taking medication would have the same blood pressure as anyone else (112/64).

Would a psychiatrist be called for someone suffering from schizophrenia?

Yes, because a psychiatrist can prescribe medicine and medicine is one way to treat schizophrenia.

How would you call someone who has psychosis?

Psychosis is a term that refers to an individual who is out of touch with reality. An example of psychosis is Schizophrenia.

What does Desordenado mean in spanish?

Desordenado -Disorganized Side note: When describing a disorganized boy, you say desordenado. However, when describing a disorganized girl, you would say desordenada.

Why would a doctor prescribe depokote for someone with paranoid schizophrenia?

Depokote consists of a compound of sodium valproate and valproic acidIt is not used to treat schizophrenia it is for Bi-polar disorder.It can actually cause hallucinations as a side effect!The best medicine for schizophrenia would be one of the newer anti-psychotics such as Risperdal or Seroquel.

Was Buddha a schizophrenic?

Schizophrenia often presents as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. Buddha's interactions with his followers, his sermons and lectures and the logic of his observation sand conclusions would indicate that the was not schizophrenic.

Is The steady state of your bodies is known as schizophrenia?

No. What you are looking for is homeostasis. Schizophrenia is a condition of the brain were someone would talk to themselves or argue with themselves, taking both sides of an argument... much like Golum/Smegul from The Lord of the Rings.

What are words that start with sch?

school schedule scholastic scholar scholarship schizophrenia schema Old school, paperback dictionaries would be quite useful to give you a plethora of words like this.

How do you use schizophrenia in a sentence?

Schizophrenia is a noun, so you use it as you would any other noun (when it is appropriate). Example: Joe developed schizophrenia last spring.