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Q: Would the QRS complex in the ECG occur?
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What is QRS in ECG?

The QRS complex on an ECG represents ventricular depolarisation. This wave should have the greatest amplitude.

Which ecg wave must occur before the ventricles can relax?

The QRS complex causes the ventricles to contract. This has to happen before they can relax.

Which phase of the ECG indicates ventricular excitation and contraction?

The QRS complex

Abnormally slow depolarization of the ventricles would most change the shape of the in an ECG tracing?


Point after which pressure begins to rise in the aorta on an ECG tracing?

At the end of the QRS complex. At the lowest point of the complex.

The portion of the ECG tracing between the QRS complex and the T wave is called the?

ST segment

Why is the T wave positive in the ECG?

The T wave is positive in an ECG due to the direction and charge. This positive deflection occurs after each QRS complex.

What portion of the ECG indicates ventricular repolarization?

The portion of the ECG that indicates ventricular repolarization or recovery is the t wave. It is the wave found after the QRS complex (Ventricular depolarizaton) in a normal ECG

What is atrial repolarization indicated by?

The atrial repolarization occurs during the QRS complex of the ECG but is obscured by the ventricle depolarization.

What part of an ECG represents ventricular depolarization?

Okay so an EKG show the electrical impulse that travels through the heart. What I mean is EKG don't show contraction. However the QRS complex represent ventricular depolarization, which signals ventricular contraction

What are the 3 components of the ECG trace?

The EKG or ECG components are the P wave (contraction of the atria), the QRS complex (the contraction of the ventricles) and the T wave (repolarization of the ventricles).

Why does the QRS complex have the largest amplitude?

More cells depolarize during this QRS complex(ventricular contraction). The reason is because the muscle mass of the atria is small compared with that of the ventricles. The ventricles have a larger muscle mass. Therfore the electrical impulses within the atria are shorter and are less. The ventricles are larger so there is a larger deflection of the ECG when the ventricles are depolarised this is called the QRS complex