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No. The only effect would be that a pencil, a ruler, or a soda straw dipped into the water

would appear to bend toward you under the water, rather than away from you as it does


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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 2mo ago

Yes, light travels faster in water than in air, so adding water would likely improve visibility of the coin. Water slows the light less, reducing the bending of light rays, which can help make objects appear clearer and more visible in water compared to in air.

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Q: Would the addition of water help you see the coin if lights traveled faster in water than in air?
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What would a hockey puck do if you apply more force?

If you apply more force to a hockey puck, it will accelerate and move faster in the direction of that force. The puck's speed and distance traveled will increase, depending on the amount of force applied.

If you drop a two kilogram ball from rest how far has it traveled after 10 seconds?

Using the formula (s = \frac{1}{2}gt^2), where (s) is the distance traveled, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/sĀ²), and (t) is the time (10 seconds in this case), the ball would travel approximately 490 meters after 10 seconds.

Which unit would a scientist use for measuring the distance traveled by a car?

A scientist would typically use the unit "meters" or "kilometers" to measure the distance traveled by a car. These units are commonly used in scientific research and calculations for measuring distances.

Why sound travels faster during night time?

Sound typically travels faster at night because the air is cooler and more dense, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently. In addition, the ground is often cooler at night which can help sound waves to travel farther without being absorbed or scattered as much. This combination of factors contributes to faster sound transmission during nighttime.

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To determine the error between a vector addition and the real results, you would subtract the calculated vector addition from the real vector addition. This difference will provide you with the error value. The error value can then be analyzed to understand the accuracy of the vector addition calculation.

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