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Q: Would the density of a silver block change if you add more silver to it?
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Would the density of a block change if you cut it in half explain your answer mathematical reasoning and the word ratio?

No it will not change. Density is mass divided by volume. Since the ratio of the mass is 1/2 and the volume ratio is 1/2, there is no change. The same holds true no matter how you cut the block, as both mass and volume change proportionally the same.

Will silver float or sink in water?

no gold does not float in water because it has a density higher than 1 which is the density for water. Therefore, it sinks.rofl

Density of an aluminium block?

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If a glass block had two or three chips what would happen to the density measurement?

The density of the glass has not changed, but since air is less dense than glass, the density of the block has decreased.

What is the density of a foam block?

well you have to think you would weigh this using grams so the density of a foam block is "Grams per cubic centimeters"

A block of wood 3.0cm on each side has a mass of 27g what is the density of this block?

A cube, with 3cm sides, has a volume of 3x3x3 = 27cc The weight is 27grammes. Density = weight / volume = 27g / 27cc = 1g/cc = 1000Kg/M3 A relative density of 1.0 (same as water)

Which two tools would help you determine the density of a block?

To determine the density of a block, you can use a balance to measure its mass and a ruler to measure its dimensions. The density of the block can then be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume.

A wooden block has the dimensions length 100cm width 0.5 and height 50 mm its mass is 50kg what is its density in gcm3to the 0.1?

the density would be 13.5. the density would be 13.5.

What is the density of pine block?

The density of pine wood can vary, but on average it is around 30-40 pounds per cubic foot.

Will a block of wood with a mass of 1000 grams will sink in water?

No. It doesn't matter how heavy a block of wood is, it depends on the density of the wood. Generally wood floats as the density of wood is lighter than the density of the water, so it would float.

Which tools would you need to have to find the density of a solid rectangular block of wood?

on a balance

What measurements and what calculations would you make to find the density of the wood in a rectangular block?
