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Yes, if they were stand still and were not revolving around each other! The Centrifugal force of Moon's revolution around Earth keeps them apart

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Q: Would the moon and the earth fall towards each other faster than a pebble and the earth because of their greater mass?
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Is a meteroid the size of a pebble?

Meteroids' can be very big or very small. There is no exact size of a meteroid.

What do you notice about the shape of your pebbles crater and the shape of the impact crater shown in the photo?

Since we cannot see either your pebble or the photo, we cannot answer the question for you.

Why does Jupiter rotate faster than any other planet?

Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system rotating on average once in just under 10 hours. That is very fast especially considering how large Jupiter is. This means that Jupiter has the shortest days of all the planets in the solar system. Since Jupiter is a gas planet, it does not rotate as a solid sphere. Jupiter's equator rotates a bit faster than its polar regions at a speed of 28,273 miles/hour (about 43,000 kilometers/hour). Jupiter's day varies from 9 hours and 56 minutes around the poles to 9 hours and 50 minutes close to the equator.

Which of these galaxies is home for the earth?

The earth is a tiny pebble in orbit around a medium-size star, and the star is one of200 to 400 billion stars, all in the Milky Way galaxy.Then there are billions of other galaxies that we can see from here, and we don't knowhow many more that are so too far away to be detected with even the largest of today'stelescopes.

What is a shooting star and why does it glow?

A "shooting star" is a meteor or brightly glowing piece of rock, usually pebble-sized or less, that was in outer space but is moving now at high speed through the earth's atmosphere. Friction with the air makes it glow very brightly compared to the background illumination of the night sky. Most meteors that are burned up in the atmosphere. A few are large enough that a small portion actually hits the earth's surface and is then called a meteorite. Meteors occur in daylight, too, but are too dim to be noticed, in most cases, against the brightness of the sun and the daytime sky.

Related questions

Describe why pebble and a shoe fall with different accelerations and speeds?

A pebble and a shoe fall at different accelerations and speeds due to their different masses. The shoe has a greater mass compared to the pebble, causing it to experience a greater gravitational force and accelerate more slowly. However, both objects fall at the same rate of acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their masses.

Which sediments grains sink faster pebbles or sand?

Pebbles, because it takes for energy for the pebble to sink and so the pebbles are hevier and sink faster then the sand grains

Why pebbles and a shoe fall with different acceleration and speed?

A pebble and a shoe fall at different speeds and accelerations because the shoe is generally heavier than a pebble. The pebble has less mass than the shoe, so it will fall slower, because there is less of a gravitational force on it. The shoe, however, being bigger and having more mass than the pebble, will fall faster and land harder because gravity has a stronger pull on it.

How can we find the volume of a small pebble with the help of measuring cylinder?

Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,

What might happen to a pebble plant in the heat of the sun if it had a large flat surface with a thin body?

The Surface Area of the Pebble plant that is exposed to the Sun will be greater and will become too hot; hence the pebble plant will lose lots of it's water.

What might happen to pebble plant in heat of the sun if it had a large flat surface with thin body like a pancake?

The Surface Area of the Pebble plant that is exposed to the Sun will be greater and will become too hot; hence the pebble plant will lose lots of it's water.

Is a pebble a synthetic or natural?

its natural because its from nature.

What is a small rock called?

The smallest type of rock is a pebble. A pebble can be made out of most rocks and is the size of a marble.

Why does a small pebble sink in water?

because a pebble is denser than water thus making it sink oil is not denser than water.

What is smaller a pebble or gravel?

A pebble is smaller than gravel. Pebbles are generally between 2-64 millimeters in size, while gravel typically ranges from 2 to 75 millimeters.

Why does pebble dropped into o pond produce waves?

When a pebble is dropped into a pond, it displaces water, creating a ripple effect. This displacement creates circular waves that spread outwards from the point of impact, carrying energy through the water through a series of concentric circles. The waves are a manifestation of the energy that was transferred to the water by the pebble.

Why are pebble toads endangerd?

They are not considered threatened but vulnerable because of the small distribution they have.