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If the ozone won't be there, the greenhouses would exist. They were always there.

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1mo ago

Yes, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor would still exist in the atmosphere even if the ozone layer didn't exist. The ozone layer primarily absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and does not significantly affect greenhouse gas concentrations.

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Q: Would there be greenhouse gases if the ozone layer didnt exist?
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What are greenhouse gases and what effect do they have on your atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases are what allows life to exist on this planet. They warm the planet by some 20 degrees C. Without these gases we would be very cold and no life would exist. The primary greenhouse gas is water vapor, making up anywhere from 70 to 90% of all greenhouse gas. Second in line is CO2 which makes up 5 to 25% of the greenhouse gas and almost 0.04% of the total atmosphere. Man produces about 5% of this gas, the rest is natural. Other gases include almost any gas with three or more atoms. This does include ozone, which is also vital for life on the planet.

What would be the temperature on the earth with greenhouse gases?

The earth's overall temperature with greenhouse gases is 76442 degrees F.

How does the wall of aquarium relate to greenhouse gases?

Since the greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping into space the wall of an aquarium traps the water and prevents it from escaping

Are greenhouse gases just a theory?

Greenhouse gases are not just a theory; they are real gases like carbon dioxide and methane that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming. The impact of greenhouse gases on climate change is well-documented and supported by scientific evidence.

What gases are not greenhouse gas?

Greenhouse gases must have three atoms, so gases like hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) are not greenhouse gases.

How are atmospheric gases like the gases in a greenhouse?

The glass on the greenhouse stops temperature from leaving or entering like the gases do to the earth.The atmospheric gases are called 'greenhouse gases' based on the idea that the gases 'trap' heat like the walls of a greenhouse do

What would happen to global temperatures if the amount of greenhouse gases increased or decreased?

If the amount of greenhouse gases increased, it would lead to a stronger greenhouse effect, trapping more heat in the Earth's atmosphere and causing global temperatures to rise. On the other hand, if the amount of greenhouse gases decreased, it would weaken the greenhouse effect, resulting in cooler global temperatures.

What does the greenhouse do to the gases from the atmosphere?

The greenhouse effect warms the gases in the atmosphere.

Why would you die with out greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases are essential for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere, which helps to keep the planet warm enough to support life. Without greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, the Earth would be much colder and uninhabitable for humans and many other species. However, the presence of too many greenhouse gases can lead to global warming and climate change, which can also have negative impacts on life on Earth.

What if you did not have greenhouse gas?

Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be much colder and unable to support life as we know it. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat from the sun and keep our planet at a temperature suitable for living organisms to thrive.

Why would increased levels of greenhouse gases contribute to higher temperatures?

Increased levels of greenhouse gases trap more heat in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a "greenhouse effect." This leads to higher temperatures as more heat is retained and absorbed by the Earth's surface.

What are greenhouse gases used for?

Normally greenhouse gases are bad, but without it, Earth would have no way of holding in heat and our planet would be below 0 degrees. We're just putting out too much.