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Greenhouse gases do exist and are not just a theory. Scientists have known for hundreds of years that some atmospheric gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and others) absorb heat rising from the surface of the earth.

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Q: Are greenhouse gases just a theory?
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How does the increase in greenhouse gases support the theory of global warming?

Part of the theory of global warming is that greenhouse gases capture the earth's heat. If more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere then more heat will be retained.We can measure that levels of greenhouse gases have increased, and we can measure that temperatures have risen. These measurements thus support the theory of global warming.

How can you use the term greenhouse gases in a sentence?

The greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are inescapable.

What are solutions for addressing green house gases?

One theory is to increase the input of greenhouse gases so that the next "ice age" can be averted.

Why are some greenhouse gases and some not greenhouse gases?

"Greenhouse gas" is just a catchy term that means "traps heat." Due to the way the atmosphere is layered, some gases trap more heat than others; CO being about the weakest "greenhouse gas."

What is oxygens role in greenhouse gases?

Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas. It deceases the greenhouse gases.

What gases are not greenhouse gas?

Greenhouse gases must have three atoms, so gases like hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) are not greenhouse gases.

How are atmospheric gases like the gases in a greenhouse?

The glass on the greenhouse stops temperature from leaving or entering like the gases do to the earth.The atmospheric gases are called 'greenhouse gases' based on the idea that the gases 'trap' heat like the walls of a greenhouse do

What does the greenhouse do to the gases from the atmosphere?

The greenhouse effect warms the gases in the atmosphere.

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

How do you use the words 'greenhouse gases' in a sentence?

Greenhouse gases are naturally occurring gases but by increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere we are contributing to global warming.

Is the sun involved in the greenhouse gases?

Yes. The greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat.

What greenhouse gases do in the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases keep the earth warm.Too much greenhouse gas is causing global warming.