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Part of the theory of global warming is that greenhouse gases capture the earth's heat. If more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere then more heat will be retained.

We can measure that levels of greenhouse gases have increased, and we can measure that temperatures have risen. These measurements thus support the theory of global warming.

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Q: How does the increase in greenhouse gases support the theory of global warming?
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Do the gases in the atmosphere increase or decrease global warming?

The greenhouse gases are increasing global warming.

How do flying machines cause a possible increase global warming?

Global warming has been disproved. The natural increase or decrease of supposed 'greenhouse gases' makes the human change negligible, and there is no proof to support that greenhouse gas' is a legitimate term, as they may be relatively harmless.

What is global warming and effect?

Global warming is the increase of greenhouse gases. It causes various problems including ozone depletion.

Which change in the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warming?

The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide, is causing global warming.

An increase in the levels of carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to what?

The greenhouse effect - Global warming.

Do greenhouse gasses help global warming?

They don't help with global warming naturally but the large buildup of greenhouse gases does assist with global warming.

How can water pollution interact with global warming?

Water pollution could be said to add to global warming by the means it takes to clean the water. This then causes the emissions of greenhouse gases that increase global warming.

Will greenhouse gas effect global warming?

yes, increases in greenhouse gasses are the dominant cause of global warming.

Can you describe Global warming better than what i have learned in school?

Global warming is a gradual increase in average global temperature. Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb thermal energy in the atmosphere.

An increase in average temperatures around the planet is known as what?

Global Warming

What is global warming and what are you doing on earth to influence global warming?

Global warming is the long-term increase in the Earth's average temperature. Right now human greenhouse gases, mainly from burning fossil fuels, are causing global warming by increasing the greenhouse effect. The way to slow global warming is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. On an individual level, people can accomplish this by using less energy at home (almost half of the energy in the USA is produced by burning coal), and by driving less. On a larger level, people can support efforts to put a price on carbon emissions.

If you keep chopping down the Amazon rainforest will global warming increase?

Yes, trees and plants anywhere remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas which is contributing to global warming. If more trees are cut down, then global warming will increase.