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It could injure your penis. Vacuum removes the balancing pressure of the atmosphere from outside your penis, causing the blood inside to experience more pressure (up to 14psi increase) which causes blood to leak through the capillary walls and in possibly burst capillaries and damage tissues. Any device that produces a partial vacuum has the potential for damage if misused. Vacuum cleaners are far too powerful, they will certainly cause this damage and you could lose the appendage.

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Q: Would using a vacuum hurt your penis?
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Can you die if you use a vacuum cleaner on your penis?

Using a vacuum cleaner on your penis can lead to serious injury and complications, such as tissue damage, bleeding, and infection. In extreme cases, it could result in permanent damage or loss of the penis. It is important to always use devices and tools for their intended purpose to avoid such risks.

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No, I would suggest that you see your doctor.

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too much of a blessing, it would hurt the girl but wow her too.

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Because you were doing it wrong. Go to a doctor.

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No!! Not unless you like blood pouring out of your penis that is! It wouldn't give you any pleasure what so ever, it would just hurt, you would probably have to go to hospital and that would be very enbarrasing!!

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Most women would be unable to fully accomodate a 10+" penis. It would hurt.

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Probably make it hurt, but not a lot else.

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do it and find out then let us know

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Your penis is pretty tough and grows at its own rate. There is not much that will hurt its growth. Also not much that improve its growth.

Will any size penis hurt a girl?

Penetrative sex can be uncomfortable or painful for some individuals regardless of penis size, especially if not enough lubrication is used or if there is not enough arousal. Communication, foreplay, and using adequate lubrication can help mitigate discomfort. It's important for partners to communicate openly about preferences and any discomfort experienced during sexual activity.

Why does it hurt REALLY bad when your boyfriend trys to put his penis inside you?

Try using lube. Can get it in a supermarket. If that doesn't help see a doctor. Should not be painful experience.