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Yes. If you constrict the afferent arteriole then renal blood flow will decrease.

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Q: Would vasoconstriction of the renal arteries decrease blood flow to the kidneys?
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How would relaxing the smooth muscles in arteries affect blood pressure?

Blood pressure would decrease

How would you explain what vasoconstriction mean?

Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessels.

Is there an artery between your bladder and kidneys?

There are arteries all throughout the body. So yes I would think so

How would the process of red blood cell production be affected by constricting the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys?

The kidneys would pick up low RBC by detecting low 02. The kidneys would then stimulate epo production to make more RBC. This will in turn cause polycythemia (too much RBC).

How would the excretory system maintain stable internal conditions during a crisis?

The kidneys retain salt when the blood pressure is low. This keeps fluid in the body, thus maintaining the blood pressure. The kidneys cause vasoconstriction in the body when the blood pressure is low. This raises the blood pressure.

What arteries supply the kidney?

Your renal arteries supply the kidneys with blood while the renal veins take it away back to the heart.

Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart?

The aorta pumps the blood out of the heart to the renal artery that leads into the kidneys.

Which artery delivers blood to the kidney and would be an example of a muscular artery?

The renal artery supplies blood to the kidneys. All arteries are muscular since they contain a layer tunica muscularis.

Does cardiac output affect urine output?

Certainly. Decrease cardiac output would mean a decreased in blood flow to the kidneys, which would lead to reduced filtration, therefore urine output.

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On which of these organs would the adrenal glands be located?

The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys.

Is having fluid in your arteries dangerous?

No. It would be dangerous to not have fluid in your arteries. Arteries carry your blood from your heart to the rest of your body.