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No because the Mercator projection distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles, where it becomes infinite.

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no it showes the shape and direction

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that why i came here for help:/

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Q: Would you use a Mercator Projection to find the exact distance between two locations?
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In mapping what is the difference between mercator projection and an equal area projection?

Mercator projection distorts the size of land masses, resulting in high distortion near the poles. Equal area projections maintain accurate land area proportions, making them useful for representing data like population density.

What is the difference between mercator and Robinson projection?

the mercator projection lines are straight but the robinsons are curved

What type of map is a Mercator map?

Mercator is not a map, but a map projection, i.e. a way of representing the continents on a map. The Mercator projection is only accurate between 30 degrees north and south latitude. The further away you go from that point, the greater the exaggeration.

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Describe the differences between a Mercator projection and a gnomonic projection?

A Mercator projection map is the most familiar and common to usage in primary education systems. Mercator projections model the continents and oceans into a flattened and rolled cylindrical format. In comparison a Gnomonic projection is also two dimensional and flat but it uses lines which are actual representation of point-to-point s indicating true distance. Another significant difference is scale as Mercator's can represent the entire earth whereas Gnomonics represent a geographical limited area. Lastly Mercator's have the difference of distortion and under representing the actual sizes of Greenland and Continental Africa.

What type of map is best suited for maritime navigation A Mercator projector B Conic projector C Geologic D Topographic?

its between Topographic and mercator projection

What is the shortage airline distance between Chicato to London on a Mercator map?

On a Mercator map it is a straight line.

How are the Mercator projection and the Goode's projection different?

The Mercator projection is used for world maps, and is most accurate between 30 degrees north and south latitude. The further away you go from there, the more exaggerated it becomes. The equal-area projection is also used for world maps, but only represents the continents in equal area with respect to their size, but not location. The conic projection is used for maps that show polar regions, such as Alaska. Imagine an ice-cream cone turned upside down and placed on top of a ball. The only accurate representation would be only in the circle that cone touches the ball.

Is a straight line between two points on Mercator Projection a great circle route?

In general, no ... only if the two points are on the equator. The Mercator is probably the worst possible projection on which to try and identify great-circle routes and distances, true directions, and true sizes or shapes of anything.

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What is the distance between Perth and Adelade?

Perth and Adelaide are two locations in the country of Australia. The distance between these two locations is 1,677 miles.

What is the difference between Google Maps and Google Earth regarding spatial referencing?

Google Maps uses WGS-84 Web Mercator which is a slight variation of the Mercator projection.Google Earth uses Simple Cylindrical (Plate Carree) projection with a WGS84 datum for its imagery base.