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Q: Would you accept a delivery of oysters if the box had no ice or lid?
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What is the name of the cracker biscuit company that made oysters crackers in a yellow box and had a logo of a mackintosh clothed fisherman shucking oysters?

Nabisco. The crackers are Oysterettes

How do you get a single box on

just order a weekly delivery then cancel your when you receive your first delivery :)

Does the box omz special delivery on woozworld give you deadmau?

no it does not. if you scroll over the box it says that it has furniture.

How do you accept gifts on Neopets?

If you receive a gift, it should show up in your event inbox. Click on the image of the yellow gift box and it will take you to the page where you can accept gifts. From there, just check the box for accept and submit.

Does Jack in the Box accept American Express?


Big box stores that accept pedigree coupons?

Target, WalMart, and K Mart are 3 big box stores that accept the pedigree coupons. If you have coupons or ads that are from specific stores like Minyards and Albertsons, then WalMart will accept those as well.

What is the difference between delivery and packaging?

Packaging usually means putting items in a box in preparation for shipping, and delivery usually means the shipping itself.

Why would a pizza delivery boy benefit from a pair of scissors?

The best answer I've heard so far:Being able to cut out the coupons for customer, as they are usually stuck to the box.

Does Jack in the box accept personal checks?

no they don't take checks

Does the cost of shipping balance out the convenience of home delivery?

Sometimes it does and other times it doesn't. For example, if you buy a box of 50 writing pens online for $2.50 and the shipping is $4.00, you'll be paying more than you would at a store. The home delivery would not balance out the shipping cost. On the other hand, if you buy 50 boxes of writing pens at $2.50 each and the shipping cost is $10.00, the convenience of home delivery would balance with the shipping costs.

What happens if you forget the PO box on a delivery?

Most of the time, they will tend to send it back to the mailer.

What is a united nations delivery tag registration form?

hello! for what is the time deliver a box to Portugal