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It is more likely to be a wasp or a hornet that is trying to sting you, especially if you have upset it. A honey or bumble bee will die after stinging you. While the end of a wasp's stinger is smooth and pointer, the end to a bee's stinger is barbed, which means that they can't sting and withdraw as easily as the wasp. Our human skin is thick enough that the bee can't withdraw the stinger. On being stung, most humans will wipe away the offending bee, and by so doing, rip out the barbed stinger and related entrails, thereby, killing the bee.
Wafting and arm thrashing, or even screaming as you run away, makes you look stupid, and doesn't really help.

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Q: Would you bolt or stroll away from a bee that is trying to sting you why?
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Can some bees live from a sting?

A bee only dies if it loses its sting. If it can get away with its sting intact it will survive.

Do Bees attack humans for no reason?

Not usually. Bees usually attack because they feel threatened or uncomfortable with you or your wearing bright clothes! If you start trying to hit it then yes it could sting you or stepping on it or sometimes even shooing it away it can sting you so you just have to be careful around bees and their hives.

Why do bees sting?

Bees sting for the same reason that wolves bite and horses kick. It is their defence mechanism; their means of protecting themselves and their hive.A bee will sting when it feels threatened.Bees are generally docile. If one flies near you it is very unlikely to sting if you don't make sudden movements towards it, so don't try to swat it away. It will soon lose interest in you and fly away.

How do you treat a bee sting and a wasp sting?

Treatment for a wasp sting will depend on how severe the condition. If there is an allergic reaction to the sting, then medical attention is needed. An antihistamine or allergy kit can be treatments.

Why do bees die after they sting people?

If it is a good sting, the venom sac will remain with the stinger. If the bee keeps the stinger, he will live. While some bee species, like the honey bee can only sting once before dying; some bees species, like the bumblebee, can sting multiple times and still live. this is because the honey bee stinger is barbed and tears off whie stinging, while the bumblebee has a smooth stinger that does not tear off while stinging.

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Should sting operation continue?

Sting operations should continue because they are good for a community. Sting operations catch people that are trying to get away with illegal acts.

Do mosquitoes hawk sting?

Yes, they do sting. i was trying to put one out side and it stung me on my thumb. it hurt really bad but it went away after a little while.

Can some bees live from a sting?

A bee only dies if it loses its sting. If it can get away with its sting intact it will survive.

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Does bleach take away the pain from a bee sting?

No, and it would probably do more harm than good!

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Why do bumble-bees sting people?

because they don't need you to bother them , and they can get scared when you go to squash them which causes them to react and sting you to keep you away, just as you would if you were going to get squashed. They do it to protect themselves.

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no because some were afraid tht they would get caught trying to help the run away slaves

What bees to sting?

Make a paste of water and baking soda and spread it on the site of the sting. This will take the pain away.

What do bees sting?

Make a paste of water and baking soda and spread it on the site of the sting. This will take the pain away.

Do Bees attack humans for no reason?

Not usually. Bees usually attack because they feel threatened or uncomfortable with you or your wearing bright clothes! If you start trying to hit it then yes it could sting you or stepping on it or sometimes even shooing it away it can sting you so you just have to be careful around bees and their hives.

How do you treat for a hornet sting?

You shouldn't need to take out a hornet sting. The hornet's sting is smooth and firmly attached to its body so it has no difficulty removing it as it flies away. If a sting has been left behind it was probably that of a honey bee.