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neither you use a sponge

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Q: Would you clean a refrigerator with bleach or vinegar?
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Does bleach clean your urinary system?

yaa just bleach and vinegar a bottle cap of bleach and a glass of vinegar

How do you clean mold on refrigerator seal?

The safest way to clean mold from a refrigerator would be to use a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water. Vinegar will kill the mold, cleaning it as well. Vinegar is not harmful and there will be no need to clear the food out of your refrigerator before cleaning it.

Is it ok to use bleach to clean the inside of a refrigerator?

Yes, using a solution of half bleach and half water in a well ventilated area is an effective way to clean an sanitize the inside of a refrigerator.

Write any two clean methods for refrigerator?

The two clean methods for refrigerator is the use of the white vinegar and the use of oil.

What can you use instead of bleach to clean clothes?

White Vinegar works pretty good.

How do you clean a coffee maker with bleach?

You can use bleach to clean the carafe, but I wouldn't suggest using it in the coffee maker. If you wish to 'purge' the coffee maker, use a water and vinegar mixture.

What do you clean the inside of a refrigerator with?

Use baking soda in warm water. Rinse well with clean rag to remove gritty feel. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water, or bleach and water, or ammonia and water. If you use the bleach or ammonia, be sure to wipe down all surfaces with warm soapy water. Or, you could just use the warm soapy water.

How do I Clean mildew from my Miata soft top?

washing soft top with a mild bleach or water and vinegar will remove the mildew

What would clean mold and mildew on concrete?

Diluted bleach.

What should I use to clean the inside of my freezer?

Your freezer should be turned off and cleaned with a mild detergent and water.

How do you clean vinegar out of your cats eyes?

To clean vinegar out of a cat's eyes use the same precautions as a human would by flushing the eyes with water.

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