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The gravity on Saturn is only 1.08 times the gravity on Earth, so you would only weigh a bit more if you were on Saturn's "surface" (it is a gas giant afterall, so you'd have to be in some sort of dirigible.

However if you went diving in the gaseous and liquid seas of Saturn it could get interesting. About halfway to the core the pressure is roughly two megabars and the temperature is about 6,000 K. These pressures compress even hydrogen into liquid metallic hydrogen. You would be in poor shape.

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Q: Would you get crushed if you stood on Saturn?
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You would not have to worry about either. You would be crushed to death by the gravity in Saturn before you could worry about the heat or the cold.

Would someone burn up on Saturn?

Yes, someone would be both incinerated and crushed on Saturn. The pressure due to mass is so intense that Saturn's surface is liquid, despite being made of what would normally be gaseous.

Could you walk in the middle of Saturn?

No. While Saturn probably has a solid core, the heat and pressure there are enormous. A person placed there would be crushed and incinerated in an instant.

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No, the gravity is so high that a person would be immediately crushed by his/her own weight.

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Assume you mean the planet Saturn. While the gasses on Saturn may have an associated odor, the gravity is so great that if you were actually on the surface of the planet, you would be instantly crushed.

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How will a person fare on Saturn?

We would freeze to death We would also sink and probably choke. There's more, though. We would also be crushed by Saturn's pressure, but if we did get far enough, we would probably melt once we reached the core.

If you stood on Saturn would you be able to see earth?

First of all Saturn is made almost completely from gas, and may not even have a surface. If it had a surface the atmosphere would be too thick to see anything. If you were to look towards the Earth while orbiting Saturn, you would see a small blue dot.

Why can't you land on Saturn?

Because the atmosphere of Saturn is too violent, with winds raging at above 1000mph. The Spacecraft will also be crushed if it travels beyond Saturn's atmosphere as the pressure is too great for the spacecraft to sustain.

What countries were involved with lauching of astronauts to Saturn?

There have never been, nor will there ever be, Astronauts who land on Saturn. The gravity is too great, the air pressures are too high and the atmosphere is toxic to human life. A human would be crushed by his/her own weight given the gravity on Saturn. A human could not tolerate the atmospheric pressures on Saturn. A human could not endure the gasses in Saturn's atmosphere.